Insta rec: podcast

Jul 19, 2018 00:18

I just listened to the excellent two first episodes of Be The Serpent, a fanish podcast of “extremely deep literary merit” (^^) which I found very interesting.

The first episode discusses Those who walk Away from Omelas by Ursula Le Guin, and the conversation the fic Victory Condition by Astolat has with it, but also how it is linked to genres such Hopepunk, Grimdark, and Noblebright. Excellents analysis, I found if really insightful and interesting, they pointed out stuff I hadn't considered both in Le Guin and Astolat works, and they managed to make me love Victory Condition even more, which I didn’t think was possible.

The second episode is about characters taxionomy, daemons, Hoghart houses, the Sorting Hat Chats... I never had much interest for the sorting system, but they introduced me to the concept of primary/ secondary houses, burned houses, and had interesting points on how personality classification systems can be a fun and useful writing tool.

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hp, in english, ursula le guin, podcast, fandom, recs, astolat

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