Livejournal post the first

May 03, 2010 14:07

Oh the possibilities.  I have always had friends who as teens had livejournal accounts. I never thought that I would have one at any point in my life. But of course no one can predict their actions 100%
I don't know how I never managed to hear about LJ until I was 18. I was part of several online communities and forums. Yet LJ was not a part of my web life, or apparently the web lives of my friends. Unless it was and they just never talked about it, which is always a possibility.
I tend to journal a lot in a variety of ways. Personal journaling in paper journals, blogs that never last, through Jaina my beautiful character and online alias in most communities, through lists and blackberry notes. I leave a digital and paper trail of my life everywhere around me. If someone wanted to track me, or my emotions that would hardly be a difficult task. They are everywhere, although they could likely just ask me, because to be fair, I'm not exactly hiding my emotions. Wearing their heart on their sleeve is a description that is so true of me, it bothers me that this comes off as a negative trait or implies that someone is not deep. I'm deep, I'm also just forward with what I am feeling. I think that is good, because no one is left second guessing, or if they are, there is a reason for it. I'm intentional in my secrecy and that is a good thing for me.
Anyways I need to stop ranting about absolutely nothing and get dressed and take on they day. At 2pm, wow, what is my life coming too....


feelings, journaling

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