Okay, so earlier this week I had a little bump on the inside of my nostril that was painful, and it eventually sort of migrated into a red tender bump on the outside, right atop the nostril. Almost on the very tip, but not centered. I just figured it was one of those occasional zits you get where it's big enough to feel on both sides. So, it grows enough to have a wee head on it and I figured pop this bitch because then it will stop being tender. Which I did. And I squeezed a bit more a second time to get all the gunk out, and I see a tiny black spot.
A deeply-buried blackhead, I wonder? No. I squeeze, and a NOSE HAIR EMERGES. Apparently, I had an in-grown nostril hair that worked its way to the OUTSIDE.
To be honest, it is kind of freaking me out. Inside things are supposed to stay inside! I keep thinking, if I get another zit, what else might come out?