Going to bed early tonight, for me, for Friday. Actually, any day really, but especially Friday. I'm wiped.
Into the Woods was fun tonight. Val and I continue our tradition of not pre-ordering tickets and not getting suck seats. Totino's mini personal pizzas taste like ass. Smirnoff's Hard Ice is nummy but not as lemony as Mike's. Mudslide is chocolicious but not in big swallows. Is it sad that I can feel it after 1.something drinks, though not really tipsy? Maybe it's just the lack of sleep. Was up until 2 or 3 last night and woke up sporadically from 5 on. Taking pics at zoo today was fun. Much random rain today, Val and I got soaked on the way back from play. Clothes drying now. Tomorrow will work on papers and projects and scenelets and maybe Eva. God, Shinji's such a whiner. I like Gir. Would have liked to buy cute Gir plushie at Hot Topic today, but must conserve money. Bought cute plaid skirt instead. Go me! Eric was v. sexy in goth bondage mesh shirt, but was too big for him because Eric is so very small. He's a tiny thing. < /Zim > I fear now that my normal Kaiyodo Vash figure is looking at me. "You're insane, Angie," he says. "Go to sleep." Okay, Vash.