I finally uploaded seven of my older stories to the AO3 (including the first fanfic I ever completed, back in Spring 2002; I have no idea how that one managed to slip through the cracks, but somehow it never managed to migrate over to the AO3). The popslash stories have been available on
my website for years, but the others were written for various fic exchanges and never crossposted elsewhere until today. In reverse chronological order:
Halfway RespectableHavemercy, Adamo/Balfour, 1046 words
After the dissolution of the Dragon Corps, the airmen follow different paths.
CorrespondenceHavemercy, Thom/Balfour, 5183 words
Thom had never had occasion to think overlong on Volstov's mail service as a student.
EfflorescenceStar Trek XI, Uhura/Sulu, 2591 words
Uhura finds what she's looking for.
DifferentNobuta wo Produce, Shuuji/Akira, 100 words
Shuuji makes a new friend.
Obedience'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, AJ/Justin, 194 words
Justin's a good boy.
Competition'N Sync, Chris/Lance, 184 words
"What do you mean, 'Nick Carter's hotter'?"
Better than Fine'N Sync, Chris/Lance, 495 words
Chris isn't sick anymore. Really.
And I'm pretty sure that's all the loose fic I had lying around. Now to update my website rest on my laurels, have a celebratory cup of wine, and procrastinate on updating my website for another year or two.
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