May 11, 2010 01:20
I had a pretty good day today~ Especially the afternoon.
Well, I didn't like having to wake up in the morning, but I woke up after having this bizarre dream where I was, like, on a train over the ocean... except it wasn't the ocean, it was more like a giant fresh water pool... and like, I don't even know... Adam Rippon and some other really pretty guys were all standing naked on this white platform with stairs on it (maybe I'll draw it, it's hard to explain, lol) and they were, like... arranging folding chairs... and then Adam slipped and fell ~in slow motion~ into the water. I.... don't know.
Anyway, after my long-ass scuplture critique (which went fairly well) I went into town with Dean and Kit and we got awesome bagel sammiches~ and chai. and then we hung around in the bookstore and then Newbury Comics and then this awesome bakery place. I got AMAZING creme brulee~ idk, it was so awesome. It was just nice to have a break for a change.
My !FINAL FINAL! is tomorrow (or today, technically~) and it's Physics. After that... the semester is finally officially over. so psyched, seriously.