Dec 15, 2004 03:08
Well here it is 3am and i just got back in my room. I have something to do in the gcc tomorrow afternoon and an appt at 11am but the morning i am planning on spending with LAURA!! She is leaving tomorrow :( i'll miss her a lot, but hopefully hang out a lot over break.
I need to start packing, but i mean, what do you take home? Clothes of course, but i don't need my tv or comp at home. So i dunno, hopefully packing will be easy.
Tonight is a huge party at shcumans, so i am planning on getting blitzed, kind of making up for not drinking on new years eve, or maybe i will, you never know. I'm kinda tired, so i am popping in a movie and i'll say goodnight babies, and goodbye til january have a great break and i'll miss you guys so friggin much!!!