Last week, I only gave a huge thumbs up to
Ghost Whisperer, a new show that CBS developed similar to Medium, only the person who talks to ghosts isn't trying to solve any crime, but instead, put the lost spirits back on track. This week, I got all weepy again.
Ghost Whisperer: Now that my reservations of the show was gone, I went into it head long in joy, dying (no pun intended) to see what ghost would come into Melinda's life next. This time, it was a six year old boy, lost because he didn't understand what death meant. The twist to this episode, her mother-in-law came to visit. Like all MIL, she was extremely judgmental and jumped to conclusions easily. It didn't help that she knew nothing of Melinda's talent, and that was something that had to be hidden.
Awww Factor: The wedding photos had a glare that was in fact Dean the dead brother of Jim (the husband). He was at the wedding.
Cute Factor: Imaginary Friends are spirits who have not crossed over because children (innocent that they are) can see spirits.
Threshold: The third episode wasn't as great as the second, as it dealt with someone who had already been in contact, but was considered a psycho because he was so young at the time. Of course, the object that he had touched had also lead to some tradgedies for him. The episode wasn't bad because it lead to more revealings, including our lead character to nose bleed for no good reason. But I figure I'll rewatch to get a better feel for it.
Numb3rs: Came in about half way through the episode, and I lost interest very quickly despite that the whole mission was to find a mom and daughter who were kidnapped. Funniest part was how much Charlie screwed up his date. Damn S2 just isn't as good or fresh no more.