First, thank you to everyone for the kind comments, e-mails, and phone calls (I promise I will call you back,
eolianbeck). I went down to Apartment 10 with
havergirl1027 to sign a card for Hat's parents. I also talked to Greg, his roommate. He was really shook up, but he continued to amaze me with his ability to support others while going through hell himself. There's a memorial service on Monday, which is good because I missed the meeting on Wednesday. Jeph flew in from California to attend, so I got to see him again, too.
dyinshadows came over Thursday night with chocolate chip cookies and a supportive shoulder, and I really appreciated that. Walking down to 10 was pretty surreal, and it was probably better that I had talked to Aimee before doing that.
In other news, I'm going to the University of Wisconsin-Madison next year. I chose the cold climate with warm people over the warm climate with colder people (not counting people I know personally, obviously). So, that's done. Yay!
Thesis is due in less than a week. I meant to send a draft to Tai yesterday, but I didn't get finished, so I sent it this evening. I only really need comments on the last section, and then I think I'm good except for typo checking and formatting issues.
havermorphism lent (well, re-lent, since it's from the library) me a TeX reference book, which I think will be helpful.
I went to dinner tonight with
rosefyre and her mom and step-dad. Was very tasty and fun (and free!). So, thanks again to them.
I have a MOUND (literally) of grading to do, and tomorrow I also have to talk to specs, play softball, meet with someone, have an Honor Council meeting, go to speeches, do work for Monday (reading and a response paper that was due Wednesday), and just generally do stuff. Aie.
Anyway, much more has happened that is not for public consumption. That will be in a forthcoming (and locked) post... Tomorrow...