Aug 22, 2003 14:54
Despite waking up at 5:45 AM, I managed to get to Haverford OK after dropping my Mom and brother off to visit Drexel University in Philadelphia. Nick didn't like it, so he called at 10:30 to have me pick them up. This is after Mom said that it would be ending at 1:00, but I had gotten all my stuff into my room by then, so I didn't mind. I did mind, however, the run-around Haverford Security gave me to get my room key. They sent me to the Housing Office, who sent me to Physical Plant (which is right next to Security), where I got my room key. Then they sent me back to Security to get my ID card (which I thought I needed to get into my dorm). But they're not giving them out yet. Fortunately, the door was propped, and they said my room key would still open the outside door, so I think I'm OK. But I wanted to get into Barclay to visit other people and couldn't.
So, after picking Mom and Nick up at Drexel (and vowing never to drive that far down Lancaster Ave. again), we got some lunch and visited St. Joseph's. Both the admissions person and the student we kidnapped (almost literally) thought that I was looking at the college. Grrrrr...
I then came back to Haverford and pseudo-unpacked my stuff. I discovered that my comforter smelled awful (I think it was the humidity in the storage room), so I have to wash it. Everything else was OK, except for the fact that one of my shelves won't go where I want it to, so I may have to trade with Rebecca when she gets here.
I checked my e-mail to discover that all but 5 of the North Dorms common rooms were given out as bedrooms. I don't know if this means we accepted too many frosh or just not enough Juniors are going abroad, but emergency housing that bad indicates that something is wrong.
I spoke to Jeff T-F about life and work, and both are looking good. I'm now in the library trying to figure out my schedule, after Jeff informed me that there are TWO Math 390 classes. Sweet! But I also found out that I can't take guitar lessons unless I pay for them myself. Personally, I think that's bullshit. Haverford is awarding me credit and a grade, and I'm (OK, my parents are) paying them a crap load of money to come here. Why doesn't that just go to pay the guitar teacher???
The only reason this is an issue that that I didn't feel bad about taking 3.5 credits, but I would feel bad taking 3, and I honestly can't afford the guitar lessons myself, and I don't want to ask my parents to pay (especially since I owe them $460). So now I might take 4 classes: Math 390 01 and 02 (Advanced Topics in Algebra), French 250 (Intr. a la Litterature Francophone) or 260 (Stylistique et Traduction), and Education 240 (Qualitative Research). This sounds pretty much exactly like my schedule 2nd semester last year (except the French class is 200-level, not 300), and I almost died doing it. Sigh. Let's see what the Computer Science department has to offer. (My other options, Japanese and Physics, are both no go.)
I should go check my mailbox and see if my IMUNA re-imbursement came in. I hope it did.