I'm at work, trying to figure out complex mathematical things and cursing MAthematica. A lot. Also deling with the frustration of working off of something that someone else has defined/created, as it uses different programming paradigms than those that I prefer to use. Why can't everything be defined in just one way?
Yes, that paragraph made no sense. Ignore it.
Still waiting to hear about my director application for NHSMUN. Not that I'm worried that I won't get it (it's essentially guaranteed), but I'd like to start doing research, on topics, and it's getting kind of late (last year, I think I had my topics by now).
I bought train tickets for Nick's graduation, which my parents agreed to pay for. Awesome.
Leah visited yesterday, and we went to dinner. It was fun.
havergirl1027 visited last weekend, and I think I forgot to mention this before now. Silly me. Much fun was had once all the drama cleared. I'll be able to unlock the drama filled entry soon, I think.
There's a good discussion on the Haverford GO boards about the powers that a moderator should have.
rosefyre, you might want to chime in there.
And, all in all, my life has been relatively boring, yet fun, and that's all I can really ask for right now. How can I not love being at Haverford and doing math all day? Seriously.
A little more than a week to PoA...woohoo!
The randomizer on this CD player really sucks...