Happy birthday,
eolianbeck! Now, it's a school night, so let's keep the partying to a reasonable level.
On second thought, fuck that. Classes suck anyway.
::revels in classlessness::
Internship and work are both good, and that is good. Model UN is going well; Meredith sent me her third AD project, which I need to edit. I'm also trying to plan my next Haverford visit. It will probably be for Plenary, if I can get next Sunday night off of work (I should be able to).
Spoke to Charlie today (older half-brother, not other Charlie). Was fun. Got to be geeky mathematically. Yay! Also spoke to
havergirl1027 and posted on the
GO boards. Boo on missing Haverford.
Electrician came today. Hopefully the outlet will be in by next week, which means...
WI-FI IN MY ROOM!!! (Wireless Internet, for those not in the know)
Say hello to Julien being always signed on to AIM and not having to deal with the ignorant fuckwits (i.e. the other members of my family) who use and then totally fuck up this computer. Let's just say that I still have MY Microsoft Word disk and that I wouldn't open a document that had crazy shit in it that my computer couldn't figure out. Who knows if it was Mom or Nick who was the dumbass. I guess Mom, both on the losing the disk piece (by moving shit around/throwing shit away/leaving clutter on the desk) and on the opening a fucked up document part. Oh well...
OK, bedtime for Julien. NOW!