I spent an excellent weekend at
havergirl1027's house along with
rosefyre. We also saw a lot of
serpent987, which was cool.
The show was very excellent. I had never heard of Kismet before, but it's a neat show. Emily's brother John was the comic relief, and he did a really good job.
It's sad to think that this is the last time for a while that I'm going to see them or any of my other Haverfriends. Stupid moving across the country :(
I got a free drink on the flight home for switching my seat so that two people could sit together. Nifty. Must remember to write Southwest to give a commendation to that flight attendant. I almost gave up my seat on the plane (they were overbooked), but they couldn't guarantee me a seat on another flight that night. D'oh.
Somehow, I managed to do something to my elbow. I have rubbed Icy-Hot on it, so now my room smells of menthol. However, the elbow does feel better.
Work tomorrow at 4:00 (I think... double-checks... yep). Fun. Not.
I finished The Man Who Loved Only Numbers, which is a biography of Paul Erdos (a famous number theorist). I don't recommend it. If you are a serious math student in the field, it will depress you. If you don't do math, you will think math is even more inaccessible. Perhaps if you do math in a completely unrelated field you will enjoy it. So, no love there.
Since I had only brought that book and my Clie was out of batteries, I purchased Volume II of My Life by Bill Clinton. It covers his presidency, so I figure it will be like the book version of The West Wing.
I think I need to make a math tag, but I'm too lazy to go back and re-label entries... Oh well.
Time to read more fic!!!