Jun 14, 2005 03:01
I don't update as much as I used to, but I contend that summer life is pretty boring for me. It pretty much consists of me working, and then, on days I'm not working, sleeping in, watching TV (Law and Order on TNT and The West Wing on Bravo), and getting yelled at by my Mom for not doing anything except that. Oh, and computer stuff. Can't forget that. But Applebee's is definitely a major part of my summer life. Perhaps too major. I had another dream about working there last night. I am disturbed by this.
I ordered Fallen by Evanescence and Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park from amazon.com because I couldn't get them on iTunes. Yay! The actual purpose of the order was to get a map of Madison. Mom and I are going there Thursday to start apartment hunting. I set up three appointements today and will set up another one tomorrow (they're supposed to call me back). Unfortunately, I discovered that one of the apartments I really like is on Fraternity Row, and that another one that I like even more is just a block away, but we'll see how bad it is.
I've finished organizing all my music on my computer and books on my bookshelves. Yes, I am anal. However, now that I can burn CDs again, I should make a new mp3 CD for the truck. At least, until I get an AirPort for my iPod. I'll think about it. Can't wait for those new CDs to come. But, after they do, no more music for the rest of the month. Seriously.
In an interesting work anecdote, there's this host who no one can stand. Not even most of the managers. Anyway, there was a staff meeting Sunday morning that Mike (the GM) excused me from (probably a combination of me having bitched the day before about getting screwed into working an 11-hour shift, the fact that I can pick up the info without being there, and a desire to save $5.15), and, at the meeting, they gave out some awards and recognitions. One category of awards consisted of little buttons for things like teamwork, initiative, etc. Well, they gave this host a button for initiative (which is utter crap because he has to be told to do everything - he takes no inititative whatsoever - I am still wondering what crack the managers were smoking when they decided to give it to him). Allegedly, after he got this button, he said, in front of the entire meeting, "I'm so perfect, I should get a button for everything." In hindsight, it's probably good I wasn't there. My head would have exploded in frustration. Plus, giving this person an award of any sort is just going to encourage him to keep doing what he's doing, which isn't what anyone wants. Now, I don't approve of this, but one manager explicitly told me that this host was not allowed to greet or seat guests because "they think he's retarded." Basically, they're hoping to minimize his guest interaction. I'm half convinced that they got him and me mixed up somehow, because I sure as hell take way more initiative than he does all the time. Gah. And I have to work with him Wednesday, and he's going to go on about it the whole time. Fuck. I'll pray for a slow day so I get out early. Thankfully, he's leaving for at least a month at the end of June, so that's something to look forward to.
Anyway, I should go to bed (but I'm not sleepy!), so that's all for now.