that's right, folks. i purchased a bento box. bento system? it's not cute, with hello kitty all over it, nor is it shaped like a rabbit, or a frog. this is a no frills bento box. see?
it's pretty cool. i used to use it a lot a year or so ago, but i've gotten lazy and haven't used it in a while. i need to break it out again, because it was so fun to eat out of it. i have a quicky miso soup recipe i used to make in it a lot, and also a bean salad recipe.
not eating out is a good thing to do. stephen and i still probably eat out too much but we've been doing a good job of reducing it. the freezer is your friend!
i am totally calling you this weekend.
it is going to be for me. i eat about 90% of my
meals out. so this is a lifestyle change. huge.
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