(no subject)

Apr 19, 2005 12:16

i was at work yesterday.
crazy oregon weather is driving me crazy.
first is sunny and nice.
then it's raining.
then there's snow mixed in with rain?
i swear, i'm not making this up.
we caught snowflakes in our hands.
only lasted a few minutes, though.
there's this huge nasty lake of a puddle next to my work.
it's so gross.
when our septic tank blows up (wich is does occasionaly, there's a hole in a pipe somehwere that needs to be fixed) it runs down the concrete into this puddle, along with anything that cars add to it on their way through.
it's way nasty.
so then there is this mexican dude that works next door.
when he comes to work, he drops his kids off at the gnarly puddle and lets them PLAY in it, unsupervised, the entire length of his shift. i mean, these kids take their shoes off and run through it. they ride scooters through it. they scoop stuff out of the bottom of it. they play with their hands in it. it's so fucking gross. how can you allow your kids to play in septic tank run off?
sarah called.
i'm going to her house tomorrow.
giving her money for the pony keg/groceries for saturday night.
tomorrow is matt's birthday.
i don't care what his stinky butt says, i'm buying him a gift.
and throwing him a surprise party.
need to get a cake for him, too.
so i'll go to sarahs, hang out, pick up a gift, a cake, come home, make the cake, hopefully all before he gets off work.
i should pick up some stuff for his dinner, too.
too bad we didn't pick up lasagne stuff sunday night when we were at the grocery store.
i'll make cheeseburgers, i guess.
time to do the dishes >
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