Wow, another year has gone by since Chris died.... I didn't even realize the date until I read a friend's entry... Which is scaring me. I'm not going to say who, it's not my place to, but I told them a few things of what I have to say that I could piece together and have it make sense... Another thing that has been scaring me is my health. I'm in pain all the time (probably from standing up all the time & from the smoking from the people I work with), and I'm tense all the time, tired almost all the time, no matter how much sleep I get. I'm cold a lot, though, that isn't really any different. I always get cold easily.
One of the guys I work with is starting to seriously piss me off with his bullshit jokes of how I should give up knitting and do porn, how I'm going to be a Disney sex icon, and how I'll be back here after a few months in Florida. I'm about to slap him, I seriously am, that I go off on him. Before I left he started with his crap and I told him to seriously stop with it, that it's annoying me. He's also been telling everyone at work who is in the break room the same time as me and him this crap, and it's like "I'm not like that, why are you telling people I am??" Like I said, we'll see if he stops since I said something, if not, I'm talking to Elliot, because it's making me uncomfortable to be around him... I can only ignore it to an extent.
g2g, my ride is here, bye