Nov 10, 2005 14:53
First job: American Egale.......... HORRIBLE place!
First funeral: My Great-Grandmothers when I was 10, yet, the only thing I can remember is that I cried the loudest.....
First pet: The first one that I can remember was Tiger, one that my grandmother let us have (I know we had one when I was a baby, but I only know that because of pictures... I know nother about the cat.)
First piercing: Ears on my 10th or 11th Birthday
First tattoo: None
First credit card: None
First enemy: Nikki.............
First favorite musician: Not Sure
Last car ride: When Michael brought me home last night
Last show watched: Late Night Show
Last beverage drank: Water
Last food consumed: M&Ms
Last phone call: When I called mom to let her know about the Victory of Lights, because I was excited the Snakes Rising, because I'm friends with one of their guitar players from the last VOL show.
Last time showered: Yesterday, but I smell so much like food and grease, you would never know.....
Last CD played: On The Record
Last web site visited: &
Last thing you bought: A Gatorade (Lemonade), and AMP last night
Last thing you watched on TV: Who knows
Last person who slept in your bed: Me
Last person you kissed: Michael
Last person you saw today: Ummmmm, Rufus? Do dogs count??
Last person who saw you cry: Michael last night at karaoke b/c I've been feeling a bit depressed/stressed/fustrated lately
Last person you shared a drink with: Michael, I think......... Most of the time I just have my own drink.
Last person you went to the movies with: Michael on Tuesday, we saw Chicken Little
Last person you went to the mall with: Michael when we went to pick up my ring from SEARS after getting it resized! :D
Last person who yelled at you: The cooks yell our names out when our food is up.... Does that count??
Eighth Grade:
What were you like: Still a bit shy and quite, but also a bit depressing and crazy
What was your favorite class: Choir
Who was your best friend: I had a few. The ones who rank top are Heather (RL), Seth (Online) and Kari (Online)
Who did you have a crush on: A Few People
Freshman Year:
What were you like: More outgoing than ever before, but still shunned by the popular crowd (Good.) Crazy, and depressing....
What was your favorite class: Choir
Who was your best friend: Heather, Seth, and Kari?? (I can't remember when I lost contact with her, but it breaks my heart to know we did.....)
Who did you have a crush on: Bosco
Hair color: Light Brown, but dyed A natural Red
Eye color: Blue/Gray or Green
Shoe size: 5 1/2
Height: 5'3".... I know I'm short, don't rub it in.....
How are you today: Better now that I'm off work
What pants are you wearing right now: Jeans
What shirt are you wearing right now: A Red tank top, the Dance 1 strap shirt I bought at the Celtic Festival that has shamrocks around the word "Dance"
What does your hair look like at the moment: A mess, but in a bun.
What song are you listening to right now: "I Just Want To Be Mad For A Little While" - Terri Clark
How is the weather right now: COLD!!!!!!!
Who are you talking to right now: No One
What time is it: 8:37
Your heritage: Polish (1/2), Irish, Scottish, and that is all I can remember....
The shoes you wore yesterday: The ones that are a size to big and are made to slide off. I decorated them with Wiccan signs for my rituals.
Your fears: Cancer, Spiders, and Dying Alone
Your perfect pizza: Pineapple, Mushrooms, and Olives (Green or Black, Both, it doesn't matter)
One thing you'd like to achieve: There are 2 things. 1) Perform for Disney, and 2) Visit Poland someday
What is:
most overused phrase? "Like, Oh My God!"
The first physical feature you notice in the opposite sex: Hair
Your best physical feature: Eyes
Your bedtime: Whenever I'm so tired I can't help but fall asleep
Your greatest accomplishment: Dance Company, finding the friends I have, and the wonderful boyfriend I have.
Pepsi or Coke: COKE
Single or group dates: Either
Adidas or Nike: "Payless" <-- I'm with Seth on this one, Payless rocks my socks!
Chocolate or vanilla: Both
Dog or cat: CATS
Sunshine or rain: Either..... Or Both works too.
Hugs or kisses: Depends
Summer or winter: Summer
Black pen ink or blue pen ink: Black Ink, but I don't really care.
Being bored or being rushed: Being Depends.
Black and white or color photos: Depends
Smoke: HELL NO!!!
Cuss: Some
Sing well: I hope so, lol!
Take a shower everyday: Every other day
Want to go to college: Yes
Want to get married: Yes
Type with your fingers on the right keys: Not really....
Believe in yourself: Yes, though sometimes I just want to say "Screw this, Screw you, I'm going home!"
Think you're a health freak: Some, but at the same time I'm trying to stop myself from seriously damaging my body.... Like I did years ago....
Get along with your parent(s): Yes
Like thunderstorms: Yes
Do you think you've been in love : I am in love.
Remember your first love: Yes
Still love him/her: In some ways, but in the more important ways, no.
Read the newspaper: Rarely
Consider yourself tolerant of others: YES!!! You have to when you're a waitress
Consider love a mistake: A mistake worth making, because it helps create who you are.
Believe in astrology: Some
Pets: 1 Black Fluffy Cat named Midnight AKA Mooneyes.
Hate yourself: At times.... And at times I don't.
Have an obsession: A selected Perfectionist.
Wish on stars: Yes
Care about looks: Rarely
In the past month, did/have you:
Done a drug: NO
Eaten sushi: No
Been on stage: No, unless you count karaoke
Been dumped: No
Made homemade cookies: No
Been in love: Yes, still am.
Gone skinny dipping: No
Dyed your hair: Yes
Stolen anything: No
Have you ever:
Played a game that required removal of clothing?: Yes
Been caught doing something: No
Been too shy to make the first move?: Yes
Changed who you were to fit in: At one point in time
Stalked someone: No
Dated one of your best friends: Yes
Broken the law: No... *Shifts Eyes from side to side*
Run away from home: When I was really little I ran away from my mom once.
Played truth or dare: Yes
The future:
Age you hoping to be married: Doesn't matter
Numbers and names of children: At least 1 Girl (Diana Selene) and 1 Boy (Jude Christopher)
How do you want to die: Surrounded by friends and family
Who do you want to be when you grow up: Myself, and a dancer
What country would you most like to visit: Poland
Opposite sex:
Best eye color: Doesn't matter
Best hair color: Doesn't matter
Short or long hair: Doesn't really matter, but I like the length of my boyfriend's hair! :D
Best height: Taller than me, lol
Best articles of clothing: Shirts I guess????
Best first date location: Putt-Putt Course, lol!
Best first kiss location: In the parking lot of a YMCA, lol!
Do your parent's opinion on your boyfriend/girlfriend matter to you: Yes, but I will date someone I have those types of feelings for, whether my parents liked it or not.
Are you the type of person to HOLLER and ask for numbers: Not really, maybe as friends at first, though.
Do you believe there's a difference between 'love' and 'in love': In someways, yes.
Number of:
Number of drugs taken illegally: 0, unless you count diet pills from my Anorexic years....
Number of people I could trust with my life: 19
Number of CDs that I own: I have no freakin' idea....
Number of foreign countries visited: 2
Number of states: 14
Number of piercings: 2, one in each ear
Number of tattoos: None
Number of scars on my body: 1 or 2
Do you play an instrument: Does voice count?? I've been wanting to learn how to play guitar...
Do you listen to any bands that you'd be ashamed to admit listening to?: No
Who do you dream about: Many people
Who do you tell your dreams to: My closest friends, mom, and Michael