Aug 12, 2007 21:21
I pray to the gods to deliver me safely to my destiny
It has just begun, this distant path of mine
Forever stretching, it looks as though the end will never come
Maybe for the best- do I want to see the end?
To start the beginning, onyl to see the end is too short for most
Not too sure if I am most, the end seems so simple
To start and be at the end will save a lot
Heartbreak, stress...all left out
Just peace and tranquility
I've seen my sights, I've done enough
I won't change, so why bother?
I already know who I am
What more is there? It seems happiness will truly never come..
What the point? It would be fun, to end it all
So many emotions packed into one moment
Fear, joy, stress, loneliness, salvation, relief, tranquility, and more
Think of it. Stop. Think again- of others this time. Stop.
The repitition comes every day; always thinking about it
But never doing anything about it
Maybe its not meant to be, but wouldn't it be so simple?