Deep thinking and Jailynn being needy coming your way... skip if you want...
One of my favorite classic Christmas movies is "It's a Wonderful Life". I love the message that movie sends. I like thinking that one moment, one action, one act of kindness or bravery done without thinking could have an positive effect on the world we live in. That I have a positive effect on the world we live in. It would be great to have a clear view of what we mean to those in our lives and beyond. Wouldn't it be great to have an angel show you what life would be like without you? Show you that your presence does more than just take up space and inhale air?
At times I wish Hollywood magic was real. I wish it was possible to know and see that what I do means more than...well than what I can see with my own eyes. Today I was thinking about my life. About the choices I've made. All the roads not taken. I was thinking about all the times I turned left when I could have gone right and when I took Road C instead of B or A. What would be different if in high school, I hadn't moved with my parents but instead stayed with my sister and brother-in-law? Would I have been a better person? Smarter? More...more...put together... Would I have helped someone that needed it? Little moments. Decisions. What if?
Anyone that has ever seen a scifi show or movie knows that there is a theory about parallel universes. Different Jailynns. Different lives. One could be rich and vapid. One could be homeless and lost. One could be a criminal and heading to jail. One could be a nun helping the sick. Etc. So many possibilities. So many different worlds. At night I think about what it would be like to jump from this reality into another. Would I be happier? Would my life make more sense? Would the footsteps I take mean more? I wish I knew.
I know that an angel will never come to me and show me what the world will be like without me. I know that I'll never know if that crooked smile I gave the bagger at the store brightened his day or if a joke I told helped someone out of a slump. I'll never know if this journal actually helps anyone other than me be a goober on a global scale. I won't know anything until my day of reckoning. When I stand in front of God in heaven and He shows me. Until then I'll just have to think and hope and know that when it's time all will be shown to me...
It would be nice for a sneak peek though...
Now I'll drop the deep thinking and get into general blah...
1) Did anyone see what that female college soccer player from New Mexico did on the field? Good Grace, she should be in a Boxing or Wrestling ring. The girl tripped other players, yanked another girls hair so hard she was flung to the ground, punched some players... It was NASTY! I've heard she was suspended for the rest of the season. She deserved that punishment.
2) My heart and prayers go out to all that were hurt, killed and/or affected by the shootings in Fort Hood and in Orlando. Senseless violence. What is the world coming to?
3) Brandon Spikes is out for tomorrow's game. People are still talking about what he did as if he held a gun on the other kid. It was wrong. He has apologized, been punished and knows that his actions were unbecoming. Is it really necessary to beat a dead and rotting horse? I really hope and believe he knows that he is better than that and will never do it again. It's time to turn the page and write a new chapter. (I'm looking at you ESPN!)
4) Urban Meyer has been fined 30,000 dollars for questioning some calls that were made by officials... Because he questioned the officials in a press conference. Um, what? *rolls eyes* Stupid rule. The great thing about America is that we have FREEDOM OF SPEECH! It wasn't even like what he said was untrue or especially rude. Sometimes people just really need to be stamped with a "I'm stupid" sign.
5) I changed my background, but I don't know if it will stay this way or not. I also changed my mood theme. It's "A Walk To Remember". One of the only books/movies that I've read that's main female character is named Jamie. I cry everytime I watch or read this story. So beautiful. Of course Nicholas Sparks makes me cry period. (I'm still hurting over the end of "The Guardian" *glares at Nicholas Sparks* How could you!!!)
I think that's all. *grin*