TV post- Wednesday night opinions

Sep 24, 2009 09:20

Okay...that's how you do it. After three months of waiting and wondering what would happen to my Hot-Hotch, I finally got my answer and it was LOVELY!

First let me start with Glee:

Glee review & opinion )

kurt, criminal minds, recap, opinion, hotch, glee, artie, will/emma, tina, finn, shows, modern family, rachel, mercedes

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angelzqq September 24 2009, 23:35:22 UTC
I'm only going to comment on CM cause that's all I watched. I did have Eastwich on in the background but I was watching clips at the same time so I don't really know that one. My comment is going to be old school *smilin*.

OMG!!!! *******ditto*******

See that's how you do it ******uh huh*********. I was literally on the edge of my seat during the entire episode *********I wasn't until I knew he had Haley and their son***********. It's kinda hard for me to put into complete thoughts what I think about last nights show so I'm going to break down in short phrases *********ok me too, lol******:

The "unsub" that was killing people in place of the doctor- I felt so bad for him ******lol you always feel bad for the unsubs********. His grief literally drove him crazy. To me those are the characters/unsubs I understand the most **********I did feel for him*********. Your kids are supposed to be everything to you and he just couldn't handle losing his son in a normal fashion. *********yeah, the only problem I had with him was that he was a killer and more importantly shot Reid************

Reid got shot- which will explain why he is on crutches for the next couple of weeks. *laughing* *********you said something about that before, what happened to him in real life?********** Great cover up writers!

Garcia worried about Hotch made my shipper heart soar. ****************mine too, she hunted him down like a bloodhound, lol************ I just so ship her with everyone. *laughing* *************shipper whore (laughin)***********

Morgan/Garcia phone conversation FTW.**********at the risk of sounding really uncool, what does this mean? lol***********

Love how worried Emily was over Hotch. I can see some sparks on her end. **********me too me too********* I wonder if the writers will go there. I kinda hoped they would with Reid and her, but it never happened. **********I ship all of them, I'm a shipper whore too, lol**********

Hotch alive and profiling from his hospital bed ***********he is so great but it was kind of sad to me cause it was fear looking for him**********. He is incredible, but I can't help but wonder what this will do to him ************I hope that they do because I think he'd rock those scenes, I'd love to see him really vulnerable around his team, especially the female members of the team*************. The Reaper got into his home. He stabbed Hotch and threatened Haley and Hotch's son, forcing them into hiding. That is going to wreck with his equilium for sure. The boogy-man has literally walked into his home and messed with his life. ***************it should mess him up if they do it right*************

I know that this isn't a popular opinion, but I was happy to see Haley. I have always liked her and would have much rathered the writers keep Hotch's marriage going. Most police marriages end in divorce, but not all. It would have been interesting to see them struggle and come out on the other side. I guess that really won't happen now that Hotch is basically cut completely out of his ex-wife and son's lives. *sigh*
*********maybe this will bring them together in the end**********
The little boy that played his son was amazing. Great casting job there. I was in tears when he was talking to Hotch. Such a sad beautiful moment. ***********this kid was awesome, hope he has more scenes with Hotch in the future*************

Hated how the show ended, but damn it if it didn't make me anxious for the next episode. Is it Wednesday yet? ***************me too, me too and is it??************* Loved this episode but thought it should have been longer and completely focussed on the Hotch storyline****************


jailynn24 September 25 2009, 15:49:19 UTC
Matthew Gray Gubler (Reid) injured his knee while filming 500 Days Of Summer. I think I read that he dislocated it, had two surgeries and screws put in. My theory is that Reid got shot in the season opener to cover the fact that Matthew got injuried and will have to be on crutches. Those CM actors had a rough summer *laughing* Matthew and Shermar got hurt, of course Shermar supposedly isn't that bad. I heard that he is wearing a flexible cast.

You're a shipper whore too! YAY! *laughing* This show has so many great couple ideas. I've even seen quite a bit of slash...mainly for Emily/JJ...which is so weird to me. *laughing*

FTW = For The Win. It took me so long to learn that one. I first thought it meant "Fuck the what" *laughing* I ended up googling it to find out what it really meant.


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