True Blood- 2-10 New World View Recap

Aug 25, 2009 13:57

I wanted to do this yesterday but life definitely got in the way of it. This is my recap for the last episode of True Blood with screen caps (made by me) I hope you enjoy the review of the show and the second book in the Sookie Stakehouse series in the next post. I'm ready to read book 3 and should be starting it tonight. I'm so excited... Oh and this recap has a lot of pictures, it's not dial up friendly.

Okay here we go...

Sookie walks down a long hallway in the hotel they are staying at in Dallas. She walks up to a door that is partially ajar and pushes against it. Eric is bent over with his hand in his hands. (Shirtless may I add. *does a happy dance*) Sookie enters and Eric lifts his head. Dried blood tears are stuck to his face. "Godric's gone," he whispers. Sookie knows and she's sorry. She bends down, taking his chin in her hand and kisses one cheek then the other gently. She backs away. Eric grabs her hand before she can get very far. He pulls her in to him and she bends further. They kiss over and over. Sookie ends up on her back in bed with him over her. (Nice back shot of Eric...) He raises his head and his fangs extend. She reaches up, touching the enlongated teeth with her fingers then angles her head to the side. Eric quickly dips his head to feed from her...


This of course is a dream of Sookie's. She wakes up in a car with her brother Jason beside her and Bill in is "travel coffin" in the back seat. Jason asks her what she was dreaming about. She claims that her dream was of Bill. Jason gives her an amused and disbelieving look. Even he knows that that is about a pile of crap. Bill never entered her thoughts this time. This dream was Eric and Eric alone. She now has a connection with him (which some can blame on the blood bond, but I believe was forming way before that).


Both are shocked by the state of craziness that has taken over their town. People are running in the streets, causing injury to themselves and businesses are completely destroyed. They make it back to Bill's home and he rises from the coffin just as Hoyt's mother, Maxine stares down at them from the stairs. Hoyt and Jessica have been dealing with her all night. Maxine throws insults at Bill and charges after Jason, telling him to basically fuck her. Jason's reaction is hilarious and matched mine to a T. Jessica's expression was great as well.

Hoyt tells them that the only way to get her to calm down is to let her play the Wii. Maxine starts playing a violent game while Hoyt fills them in on what has been happening. He tells Sookie about Daphne's death and about all the crazy stuff that has been going on. He also lets them know that the entire town is after Sam. Jason decides it's his duty to protect Sam from everyone. Sookie is not fond of this idea, but he will not be swayed and she finally tells him to be careful. Jason says that this is the "war I've been training for". I ♥ Jason!!!!


Lafayette and Tara's mother work on bringing her back. Mary-Ann's hold refuses to give way. Lafayette and her mother begin to pray to God for her soul. Each blames themselves for her getting involved with Mary-Ann (the maenad). All Tara can say (with her black eyes) is "He's coming and he's going to kill all of us". Over at Sookie's, Mary-Ann and her minions are getting ready for a tribute slaying. They are building a weird tree like thing filled with raw meat, flowers, feathers and other stuff. She's excited that the town is looking for Sam.

Meanwhile Sam is in hiding with Andy as a run down hotel. Andy returns from getting Sam clothes and they discuss Mary-Ann and her influence over the town. Sam makes it clear that he believes he should have left when he wanted to because she's after him. Andy is freaked and continues to drink. Sam gets a call from Arlene telling him that he needs to come to Merlotte's. She's in danger of getting killed by a mob. Sam is relunctant but finally agrees to come.


Andy and Sam arrive at Merlotte's and are immediately ambushed by the town. Sam and Andy manage to lock themselves in a walk in freezer. Andy drinks more of his wine to "ward off the cold". Sam joins in. Bon Temps citizins wait for Sam to come out. Terry tells them they have him right where they want him. He can't escape without surrendering. Jason arrives at Merlottes with a nail gun and some other weapons. He is disgusted to see everyone in various stages of sex. (He isn't the only one). He quickly grabs Arlene and points the nail gun at her head. The town cheers for him to kill her, but Terry stops them. He asks Jason what are his demands. Jason wants everyone out. They all leave and Jason rescues Andy and Sam from the freezer.

Sookie heads to her house and is immediately shocked by everything. Mary-Ann is waiting there to greet both her and Bill. Sookie and Mary-Ann get into a spitting match and Mary-ann chokes her. Sookie flashes back to the night in the woods when she was attacked. She now knows who the bull creature was. Bill pulls Mary-Ann off of Sookie and bites her. Mary-Ann loves it. Bill not so much. He has a reaction to her blood and begins to vomit violently. Sookie fights back, pressing her hand into Mary-Ann's face, sending an electricity of blue power into the Maenad. Both Mary-Ann and Sookie are shocked. Bill leaves with Sookie. Mary-Ann wonders what the hell Sookie is.

Back at Merlotte's Jason, Sam and Andy try and think of an exit strategy. They don't come up with anything in time. The towns people come back in and Sam gives himself over to them, hoping that it will stop the insanity. Andy and Jason are horrified and shocked to watch the citizens drag Sam off.

Sookie and Bill arrive at Lafayette's to help with Tara. After a while they finally break through the cloud of dark nothingness that's in Tara's head. She immediately starts apologizing to Lafayette and to her mother. Bill realizes that he doesn't know how to defeat Mary-Ann, but thinks that one vampire might. He leaves to go talk with them.


Hoyt and Jessica are still dealing with Maxine. Hoyt's mama pushes Jessica too far and she attacks the older woman. Hoyt is freaked out watching Jessica bite his mother. He screams out, "Fuck No!"

Sam is being tied to the top of a vehicle by everyone. A bright light covers all their heads and they turn at the sound of "God's" voice. Jason stands on the back of a truck backlighted by Andy's lights and talks to everyone. He praises them for the offering (Sam) and tells them that they will have good weather and good crops. *laughing* Terry calls bullshit because he doesn't have horns. God has horns he says. Andy raises a tree branch over Jason's head and to the possessed people it looks like horns. Sam gets up from the car and tells "God" to smite him. Jason doesn't understand at first but after being told three times by Sam finally gets it. "God" smites Sam in front of everyone. Sam starts shaking and then "disappears" (changes in a small animal). Andy and Jason are shocked and everyone else cheers. They go off to find Mary-Ann to let her know the job is done. Andy and Jason search for Sam, who comes out of the kitchen of Merlotte's wearing only an apron around his waist. What the fuck is clearly written on Andy and Jason's faces. Sam promises to explain. Andy drinks one last sip of his wine and promises he will never drink again.


Bill arrives at this beautiful estate to meet the queen. He walks in and sees a foot dripping blood.


I couldn't care less about Tara. I really was chanting for her death at one point. She's just nothing to me. If she was the one that didn't make it, I wouldn't care one bit. Jason is made of awesome and love.  ♥☺He doesn't get enough credit for being smart and loyal. I nearly died when he was playing God. Really this recap pales in comparsion to actually seeing that scene. I loved everything about that scene. Sookie and Jason have a great relationship when written right. I really hope that gets explored more. Sam is seriously one of my favorite male characters. I just love him to death. Andy is cool in my book. I really don't care if anyone else likes him or not. Out of the whole town he is the only one that really gets that something is amiss. Plus I love watching him team up with Jason. The one disappointment for me was Eric was only in one scene, but it was a great one. The connection forming between him and Sookie is hard to deny. Bill is definitely on his way out. Thank god, because I really don't like Bill. With each episode my distain for him grows. Lafayette praying was wonderful. His line about God and him seeing different people but continuing to talk was one of my favorite in the episode. Mary-Ann needs to go. This never ending storyline has been dragged out too fucking long. I can't wait for the end to get here. All and all, it was a really enjoyable show.

Oh Jenny, if you read all this, can you make me some Jason and Sam icons. *holds hands together* Please! Lafayette would be great too.

Up next a recap of Living Dead in Dallas...

bill, true blood, recap, opinion, lafayette, jason, sookie, pictures, sookie/eric, tara, eric, sam

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