Mar 18, 2009 09:43
Okay Cooplee lurkers come out and play. This May I might be going to see Caitlin and John at the Macro Island Soapfest. So I was thinking, if you had the opportunity to say something to them: what would it be? I know that John realizes he still has fans and right now Caitlin is being hit with stupid writing, but I think it would be a nice gesture to give them black and white proof that not only are they loved but that the Cooplee story touched many lives. This is the time to get all your ideas out, to tell them that you enjoyed/enjoy their characters and will always have Coop and Ashlee in your hearts. It might also do John some good to know that so many people are pulling for him to be a succss in other arenas of the entertainment industry. So get to thinking and once it's time I will print all your letters off for them both and hand the notes of encouragement to them when (and if) I see them in May.
*grin* Remember to post your name!
caitlin van zandt,
john driscoll