This post is titled Dear Santa. It is our Christmas wish list for the new year. Please share yours!
Dear Santa:
I would love:
World Peace
Maxie and Spinelli to become more than friends:
Noah and Luke to finally get some... with each other:
I would like Ellen Wheeler to be black listed and for her to never, ever, ever step foot in the soap world again.
I would like Beth to end up alone.
I would like Coop and Ashlee to come to their senses and realize we need more of this:
I would like all of my friends to have a happy and healthy family and life.
I want my own family to be happy and healthy.
I also wish for our soliders to come back safe to their families. I want them to know how much I appreciate all they do and give up so that I have to right to do posts like these.
Please Santa, these are my wishes. I've been a very good girl. *hopeful smile*
With love,