Sep 08, 2005 03:07
Today I'm in Fingerprinting in the Intake area. What a ball! In Fingerprinting we… *drumroll* FINGERPRINT! That's right, everyone that comes into this jail stops by our location to get their prints done. We also give them their free phone call.
It was on one of these free phone calls that I overheard one of the saddest things I've heard here yet. A woman called and said "Hey X? It's mom. I need you to come get me out of jail. Talk about a downer! This woman was a bit of a problem anyway, referring to me as "Dude" as opposed to deputy for one thing. Still, though, you have to wonder what her life must have been like to bring her to this point.
I also had a woman who cried the entire hour she was down here. She told me her story, and I felt a bit bad for her. But at a certain point, as much as you hate it, your patience runs out with a person. Someone close to me has told me that she worries that I might lose my sensitivity working her. It's times like this that I start to wonder that myself.
On to happier things, though, I love working in Fingerprinting! It's busy and you get to have fun with the inmates. When I was printing one guy's middle finger I asked him if he was flipping me off. We both got a chuckle out of that one.
That's all for now!
Well… I realized that my earlier entry was a bit of a downer and now I'm in a better mood.
Fingerprinting was really hopping. We kept up at a good clip. I probably printed about 25 people this shift… not bad at all. :
So to put you in a better mood as well, I'm going to post some behavior notes from one of my favorite inmates. This guy is a little different. Behavior notes are short blurbs that deputies can write in an inmate's record so that other deputies can see what the inmate is doing.
Behavior notes from inmate X:
Inmate asked to use the phone to call Leanne Rimes' agent. That request was denied, he then asked to call his Lawyer: number in previous log- Lawyer has requested to not give him access to call him. He then wanted to call his girlfriend- also denied.
Inmate ringing ER button telling me that I need to call the White House in Washington to tell them that inmate X has "finger painted triangles on my arm." Inmate then gave me a phone number. Appears ok
Inmate asked me if I could "let Carmalita know that I (X) need my radio and cell phone" and "tell that bitch not to break it." I told inmate I didn't know Carmalita and he said "go figure."
Asked if he was ok - replied "never better-good night."
Hope you enjoyed those. This is the same guy that asked me if he could call his girlfriend one night. Here's what followed:
"Why do you need to call her?"
"She's hurt."
"What happened to her?"
"She jumped off of a building."
"Why did she do that?"
"The voices told her to."
I hope these two never reproduce.
G'night, all!