((Saira Typed All This))
Anastacia and I are doing this fill-out thing together!
ABC's of Me =)
A- Age of 1st kiss:
Anastacia: 15
Saira: 4
B- Band you are listening to right now:
Anastacia: Pop Noir.
Saira: Pop Noir.
Both of us: Ha-ha! Would you look at that! We're together and therefore hearing the same song.
Anastacia: Yes, but you're not farting to it.
C- 1st Crush:
Anastacia: Prince William. Because his mother died. So sad. I was watching the funeral on television, and I thought, "Wow, better keep watching this. Damn, he's hot."
Saira: Jack Nicholson. I saw
this photo, and I was hooked.
Both of us: Our first crushes were very sad. And neurotic. And voyeuristic.
Anastacia: I liked Prince William 'till I was twelve. Mainly because he was so unattainable.
Saira: I still like Nicholson...
D- Dad's name:
Anastacia: David.
Saira: Alex.
E- Easiest person to talk to:
Anastacia: Saira.
Saira: Anastacia.
Both of us: Awww. <3.14
F- Favorite ice cream:
Anastacia: I'd have to say butter pecan.
Saira: Rocky road. But damn, butter pecan is good, too! And dulce de leche.
Anastacia: Oh, I hate caramel.
G- Gummy worms or gummy bears?
Anastacia: Bears. Definitely. I like molesting them. Rip off their limbs first...and then lick their tummies...then bite off the head...and chew the rest really slowly...SMM.
Saira: Wow. Ana's sadistic. But I'll go with bears for the same reasons.
H- Hometown:
Anastacia: Buffet.
Saira: Anastacia...?
I- Instruments:
Anastacia: Piano. And I used to play the harmonica. Like, ten years ago.
Saira: I play the fool.
J- Junior high:
Anastacia: Buena Park.
Saira: Ber-NERD-o Yorba.
Both of us: Middle school was a very painful and awkward time period, full of general ugliness.
Anastacia: Oh, wait. I didn't have my period in junior high.
Saira: Me neither.
K- Kids:
Anastacia: Hate 'em. Damn bastards. Eating up my money.
Saira: Ditto. But I'd have 'em if they're Ana's. Wait, maybe not. She just farted. AGAIN.
Anastacia: I'm, like, SO gaseous today. Whenever I go to your house, this happens! I don't know why!
L- Longest car ride ever:
Anastacia: A road trip to Nevada. Do you know why it was so long? No bathroom breaks in the desert.
Saira: I don't remember. But "L" should be for "LOBSTERS!"
M- Mom's name:
Anastacia: Janet.
Saira: Huma.
Anastacia: Sounds like hummus.
Both of us: Our mothers are tyrannical despots from the Axis Powers.
N- Nicknames:
Anastacia: Ana, Nastya, Tubby, Teacup, Manatee, Anastooscha, Kewpie, Furby, Choo Choo, Frances Bean, Yehti, Slooshie, Sunflower, and a plethora of other names that Saira calls me.
Saira: Sai Sai, Sai Sai Poo, Tubby, Tubbers, Tub-a-roo, Poppit, Choob-dee, Deer, Aunt Jemina, Squishy, Snorty, SQUIDDERZ!, Pork Chop, and other random ones from Anastacia.
O- One wish:
Anastacia: I want to become a cheese. Swiss cheese. And I want to have a lot of bastard children to be my slaves. And I'd stand there and pop 'em out, like POP! POP! POP! POP! Like they're dropping out of me. Like grenades.
Saira: That Anastacia and I get to live together in a biiig boat and sail to the moon! But the cheese thing sounds good, too...
P- Phobia[s]:
Anastacia: Ants. Or decapitation.
Saira: Bacteria.
Q- Quote:
Anastacia: Nemo me impune lacessit (Nobody escapes my punishment with impunity)
Saira: Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus (Never tickle a sleeping dragon)
Both of us: Our quotes are in Latin! Tee-hee!
R- Reason to smile:
Anastacia: Seeing somebody pretty or interesting looking. Black humour.
Saira: Giant squid! Big old narwhals! Manatees!
S- Song you sang last:
Anastacia: "Novelty" by Joy Division.
Saira: "How the West Was Won" by Pop Noir.
T- Time you woke up today:
Anastacia: 8:00 a.m.
Saira: 12:00 p.m. (Anastacia said "12" before I even knew what time I woke up this morning. But it was right! I asked her how she knew, and she just said, "I know you too well.")
U- Unknown fact about me:
Anastacia: I want to be a unicorn made out of cheese.
Saira: My biggest dream is to live in a house where absolutely everything is phalluses. For example, my doorknobs would be shaped like penises. And my shower...
W- Worst habit:
Anastacia: Picking my boogers in front of people, farting at inopportune moments, and being lazy.
Saira: I am whiny, anal, obsessive-compulsive, paranoid, and I worry about just about everything.
Both of us: We're neurotic and we're voyeurs.
X- X-rays you've had:
Anastacia: Countless ones in my dreams.
Saira: I don't remember, but I remember having to strip from the waist up. And the nurse was damn fugly. And I didn't want her touching me.
Both of us: We think that "X" should be for "Xylaphones." And Xenophobia. Ha-ha, XENA-PHOBIA!
Y- Your least favorite person as of right now?
Anastacia: The really annoying girl that tries to be random. And Hemingway is a machismo asshole.
Saira: Nicholas Sparks, the evil fascist who wrote The Notebook and A Walk to Remember. That guy needs, like, 200 mg of testosterone pumped into his body at all hours of the day. He seriously has a vagina. He is the one man that I really don't want in touch with his feminine side.
Both of us: And, god bless all the stupid people. We wouldn't be smart without them.
Z-Zodiac sign:
Anastacia: Virgo.
Saira: Scorpio.