Oct 25, 2005 11:53
OS I know I haven't updated in forever and it'll probably be a while before I leave a long post. Essentially here is my last few weeks:
-My job is kicking my ass, I'm averaging about thirty hours a week and my shift starts at 6:30 in the morning five days a week. job+school=one tired, often grumpy chelsea. But I'm making money (slowly) and that means I get to come back next semester so thats good
-I have an agent now! So thats exciting, yeah
-My computer broke so I have to access the internet and type papers in the Library, so, that blows! But it will be fixed soon because Apple is wonderful
-I have a wonderful group of fabulous friends that make my life a beautiful place to live
-I'm in sortof a rocky place with Ari right now but he doesn't know that yet..
-Got a very unhappy grade on a paper, I've been working hard but college can be REALLY challenging.
-I just finished two weekends of working Light Board for Brand New Theatre. Had a blast, made some great friends, cried a lot and learned a ton. I really like this company. It is the largest student run group on campus and they put on entirely student written/directed/produced/acted etc... shows, and sometimes they're not so hot but sometimes, like this last weekend, they are unbelievable!! I guess I made a good impression on the right people because it looks like I'm going to be a producer next semester!!
So, in short, life has had it's ups and downs. BUt I am very glad to be here. I miss my friends and can't wait to see you all over THanksgiving. Much love and happy Halloween!