Okay so maybe 4am isn't the best time to be writing this but what the hell... I stayed up all night to talk to a friend online but she wasn't there. Stupid international time differences and stuff... shut up I'm tired and can speak the text good.
Anyway I went for an online audition. It's for a tv series called Deadside. Here are my audition pics and you should view them and like them to increase my popularity please! Doubt it'll sway the director/producers but it can't hurt. This wil be my first public post in over 3 years!
I also did a video audition that I will post shortly. It'll go onto my Deadside community page first then I'll link it here and on Facebook/Youtube.
Normally I'm not into this whole self promotion thing but I really want to see how I go in the industry and you have to play the game in order to win it. So please... any support would be great! Thank you kindly.
And in other news...
Friday went well - More on this later.
Sat & Sunday were full of amusement and fun.
Today I had a really great dinner with a friend and saw Captain America again but this time in 2D and it was even better!!! =D