Title: After School Special 2/?
Pairing: Jane/Maura
Rating: PG for now, possible NC-17 later
Summary: Maura and Jane meet in high school, but not as students.
Disclaimer: These characters are in no way mine- I just wanted to put on a puppet show for some fan girls!
Authors Note: This is a little AU fic that came to me in the middle of the night. I know I haven’t updated “Newton’s 3rd Law” in quiet some time, but I hope to find the inspiration to soon! Thank you to everyone who's read the first chapter!
Maura shuffled her papers in order as she began to pack up for the day. Her classes had been relatively uneventful, no fires, so she didn’t have to worry about changing out of singed clothing before she went to- wherever Jane might be taking her. The blonde had to admit, she was a little surprised by the invitation to meet outside of the school walls, in a pleasant way of course. The police officer was fiery, determined, and seemed to take more than a mild interest in what the she had to say, even if all she could sometimes talk about was a recent study she had read in her free time or the endless amounts of hours she had spent on her current Masters thesis.
Where everyone else had rolled their eyes and walked away, Jane had stayed voluntarily and asked about her class and her intellectual pursuits. Maura wasn’t sure if anyone had taken such a sincere interest in her before. Ever.
Jane always looked very crisp in her uniform too. Maura liked that, though she often wondered what her friend might look like out of the uniform- in casual clothes of course. The blonde analyzed the thought.
Or maybe just out of the uniform.
Maura had surrendered herself to the fact that she may have some- physical urges towards the officer, to say the least. she had never been one for emotional relationships, though that might be because no one had ever really shown much of an interest in having one with her. Sure, they all kept saying how attractive she was and how much they wanted her in their bed- but rarely had anyone said, “I hope we can talk more about it tomorrow!” and mean it, like Jane always had.
But even thinking about an emotional aspect to this attraction, wouldn’t be helpful at the moment. Or at least in Maura’s opinion. She was already jumping the gun a little, assuming that the brunette might have some physical urges of her own.
Jane paced around her vehicle for several minutes, over-thinking the evening. The only tricky part about not telling Maura that they were going to be eating something Jane would be making herself and that it would be at Jane’s apartment, is that Jane hadn’t really figured out if Maura would be comfortable with such an intimate setting.
Friends could come over for food and drinks- right? That could be a friend thing just as easily as a “Would you please- be in a romantic, girlfriend, type relationship with me?” thing- Right?
The pacing was interrupted by her cellphone vibrating on her hip, “All finished for the day. Want me to meet you in the parking lot?”
Maura had glanced out her classroom’s window several minutes before she picked up her phone, and wasn’t quiet sure what Jane was doing out there by her cop car. She wanted to say it was a sign of anxiousness, but she had never known the brunette to be anything but confident. She couldn’t help but wonder if it had something to do with dinner, but tried to repress a laugh at the very idea.
Jane took a deep breath after informing Maura that she would go meet her in the classroom. Walking down the hall, she took a moment to appreciate the absolute silence that the end of a school day supplied. No fighting, no shoving, no stealing, no runn- Oh for fuck’s sakes.
A kid skateboarded towards her with a look of incredible desperation with a sprinting Officer Frost closely in toe.
“Got it!” he yelled as he tackled the delinquent- an ounce of pot slipping out of his hands and sliding across the ground to Jane’s feet.
She stepped on the baggy as it slid under her left foot, eyebrows raised.
“Really Kid? You couldn’t wait till you were off school grounds?” The brunette shook her head while bending over to capture the bag in her hand.
What is it with teenagers and pot?
Frost had pinned the guy smartly underneath himself and smiled up at his colleague. “Course not, that wouldn’t be any fun.” the kid groaned into the floor. “Would it? It’s Nate right?”
A thumb went up as he tried to lift his head to breath.
“Shame, you just got out of Juvi too. Don’t worry about it Jane. I’ve got this one.”
Officer Rizzoli let out a sigh of relief as she handed the ounce over. “I owe ya one Barry.”
“Have fun!” Officer Frost let out in a sing-song voice.
Jane wanted to look back and say something, but she let it go and walked on. He wasn’t blind, so she couldn’t fault him too much. All she wanted to think about right now was the woman waiting for her down the hall.
Maura grasped the threshold, leaned out, and glanced out into the hallway. “Everything okay out there Officer?”
Jane beamed at Maura, leaving the scene of Frost picking the kid up by his jacket in her wake. “Perfect.”
“Oh, well then if it’s perfect-” the blonde jested with an eye-roll and a smile. “Shall we?”
Jane could see the fabric of a soft, slightly faded, red dress hang from her friend behind the door frame. Her hair looked wonderful and perfect to Jane, even though Maura often mussed in a response to stress when she thought her students weren’t looking. Today must have been an easy day for her, Jane thought with a smile.
“We shall.” the brunette replied confidently.
Maura pulled herself back into the room and grabbed her bag. Jane followed after her, mesmerized by the simple concept, that she had been allowed to meet this wonderful person simply because she’d been saddled with a job that she didn’t enjoy. But this job, this terrible annoying job, was the thing she looked forward to everyday- and the weekends were long and lonely. But this seemingly endless time and space of thought that involved her and the lovely woman before her were cut short by Maura spinning around, unknowingly into Jane.
The contact was a surprise to both of them but Maura looked up and dark eyes met hazel. They searched one another briefly, until the corner of the officers mouth curved into a smile while her hand reached for the blondes.
The teacher found her fingers reciprocating the grasp with an easy motion, like it was completely natural. And with that she followed the uniform clad brunette into the hall, out of the school, and into her vehicle.
“Will you at least give me a hint?” Maura pleaded, almost like she was imitating one of her students.
Jane shook her head with both hands on the steering wheel. The grasp of her right hand held firmly, but it still felt like the wheel might as well be emptiness. If it had been possible to get into a car while holding someone’s hand- she would have done it.
They’d been in the behind the wheel for a little over ten minutes now, and the blonde could not for the life of her figure out where they might be going. Her apartment was in this direction and she couldn’t think of any places that might be a possibility.
Jane’s expression slowly changed to one that was a little hesitant. She still didn’t know if Maura was going to be okay with her apartment yet. It was too late now though, they were too far away from anywhere that would be viable- and turning around would just be off-putting to her passenger. All she could do was exhale and pull into the parking lot behind her building.
The blonde looked around for a moment taking in their location. “I live across the street.” She said, the minute she had realized it. “Do you live here?” She turned to find a very fidgety police officer.
“Um yeah- I do... I figured I could cook you dinner. Ya know- to... pay you back for that first lunch you shared with me.” the brunette tried her best not to look down into the dashboard. “Wait-” she took in the teacher’s words. “You do?”
Jane wondered how she might have missed her after all of these months of living here.
“I do, for about three years now” Maura’s puzzled expression softened into one of appreciation and fondness. “And dinner sounds wonderful, as long as you let me help.”
“You don’t have to.” Jane replied quickly.
“I want to.” the blonde said softly.
Jane felt a hand covering her right, that had been resting on the stick shift.
“Would you like to go in then?” the brunette whispered, as if a loud noise would break the physical connection.
Maura would be lying if she said she wasn’t a little shocked from her emotional response to her hand touching the brunette’s. She couldn’t help but reply with an equal softness.
“I would.”