So that's that.

Apr 22, 2006 12:55

Found out yesterday that I made my required grades so I should be graduating from Western in a month or so. Its a funny feeling. Its not a "glad that's done!" feeling. More of a sigh, and a slump into a chair. The kids around me are all going nuts. "I'm off to grad school at -----!", or "lets get drunk!" seems to be the consensus. Maybe it just hasn't sunk in yet.

I'm happy to be done, but I'm an extremely nostalgic person. For the past few weeks, I've been looking back on it all, and remembering the last 5 years. (Yes, I took the extra year to upgrade to Honours.)

My time in London was good. I'm looking forward to the changes that'll come, but I'll also miss this place. I guess that's the feeling-- kinda neither here nor there. *shrugs*

Anyway, this is NOT a post searching for congratulations. I'll be taking May off before starting work in Michigan with the family business. As such, I hope to see many of you. I plan on bumming around Toronto for a solid 10-15 days in May, since that's where most of my friends are, and since London empties out significantly on April 30th.

S0... If anyone's got some time in May, and wants to hang out, either send me an email or reply here. I've never been to Anime North before, and tho I didn't plan on going, it might be the easiest way to see everyone. What are its dates again? If its in the second half of the month, that might work. Like I said, I plan on spending a while in the city so hopefully I'll get to see everyone.

(Even though I'm going to Michigan, I'll still probably see everyone the same amount. Cons, maybe a party here or there, etc.)
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