Its been a while....

Aug 03, 2005 22:20

Lots has been going on, so I’m going to try and get caught up in one fell swoop. Here’s hoping…

Ad Astra
I’m not even going to get into this here, as it would take a year to explain. ;) I wasn’t happy, and am largely still not with my performance, but after talking to a few people, I’m eager to give it another shot… that is, so long as I’m not fired. ;) Anyway, enough about that.

But the masquerade itself was a success. Special thanks to Holly and Amanda for their fine work, and to all the participants.

Toronto Trek
It was, as always, a great time. But actually, I think this was my second most favourite Toronto Trek ever. It was laid back, which was astonishing for Trek.

As always, the most important thing about the whole weekend was the people. I was able to reconnect with a young friend, and was happy to find that a reconnection was possible. I was able, finally, to get in some good chats with people. (Rosemary, Ruth, Julie, Colin, Jon, Tessa, Gord, Michael, Alex, Bang, and many more.) I was finally able to go beyond the “Hey, what’s up? That’s great… gotta run” talks that usually dominate cons. Felt like I got some good time with almost everyone.

So, all in all, I was really happy with the weekend, and look forward to more conventions to come.

Its official now. I was accepted into the Honours Program at Western, but wasn’t sure if it was what I wanted. Now, I’ve signed the lease on a new apartment, and have already begun to move things in. It should be a good year, and its nice to know I’ll be closer to everyone who reads this than I would have been if I’d gone to Michigan… Still, I’m having some second thoughts… this will be the first time that I’ve lived on my own (meaning, no roommates) for more than 4 months. And, to make matters worse, a number of my friends have recently graduated, or taken a year off.

As a result, I’m expecting to be lonely at times. So, I’m also expecting many a friend to come visit in London, to help me stave off depression!! Please?! I’ll have all the major amenities (Comp., xbox, tv, etc) so everyone should be comfortable! I’ve got some pictures of the place somewhere, and I might try and post them at another time…

I hope to be able to attend SFX this year, if for no other reason than to just see Gord do his thing. But the day I get to London is the day that I start a job hunt. So long as that’s settled before SFX, then I should be able to make it.

That said, if I am to go, I’m thinking I’ll be skipping at least the Friday, and possibly the Sunday as well. Its just a bad time of the year to be taking 3 days in Toronto, when there’s so much I have to do in London.

Some random points:
-Thanks much to HICO for the paid account. I shall try my best to make full use of it.
-My brother sent me his recording stuff, so I expect to have a CD out by the end of the summer. (Yes, I know. Scary.) Its nothing serious. Just a bunch of cover songs, and a few originals. If I can, I’d like to one day be skilled enough to play at a bar or two, but for now, its just a hobby.

Anyway, that's all for now. Hope to see you all again soon.
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