Mar 16, 2007 06:05
My friends. Laughing. Live music. Dead grunge bands. Philosophy. Film and cinema. Theater. Writing. Body modification. Packing up & getting the hell out. Bass guitar. Slingshots - I don't know why. Hockey. Mythology. Night walks. Night drives. Night sledding. I want to learn to dance, fight, and play pool. Clay. Paint. Hair dye. Foreign languages. Foreign cultures. NINJA TURTLES. Learning not to drive like a blind grandmother on a bad trip. Anthropology. Human nature. Swimming (my personal second nature). Skinnydipping. Hiking. Massage therapy technique and practice. Nuance. Etimology. Semantics. Skill points spent in Innuendo - RPGs, on paper or online. Travel. The Peace Corps. Mischeif. Boobietraps. Causing ruckuses. Controversy. Conversing.