First of all, I want to link to a friending meme.
Come and join the fun and share it in your journal as well!
I promised a few friends I'd give DW the old college try, but I just prefer LJ. So...go forth and friend in an effort to keep this place humming.
Last week was my birthday. Not a big one that ended in a 0 or a 5, but a birthday nonetheless. How'd I celebrate? The Wookie's BFF decided to have a bonfire party at our house and invite a bunch of his friends. His friends. To our house. *sigh* This is the same guy who invited himself on our vacation last year. He's a good friend and I like him, but damn, he needs to back off sometimes. Anyway, I countered by inviting some of OUR friends and it was a fun time. The storm last year uprooted a giant tree and it's taken the better part of six months to get it hacked up into burnable pieces. It turned out to be a HUGE bonfire, and half of the tree is still left. Only one glass was sacrificed to the party gods and nobody got too tipsy, so I'll deem it a success.
A high-level job opened up at work, so there is rampant speculation and wild rumors about who has applied. I took one look at the salary and brushed up my resume. So far, only my boss (Golden Boy) and my work BFF know that I've applied. It's not a good fit, but GB suggested it would be good to get my resume in front of the Big Boss in case something else opens up. We'll see. I think I could do this job, but I probably wouldn't enjoy it.
Things are shaping up for the Paso Robles trip in May. Rooms are booked, but there is a possibility that a winery out there will put us up for free. Fingers crossed. I can always cancel the ones we have.
I stupidly signed up for a reverse fiction swap, where the artists post pictures and the writers claim them. I claimed an AMAZING drawing of Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. How much have I written? NADA. I've been sitting here for a hour and could have been writing, but instead I'm surfing gossip sites (Kanye has started a church!) and posting here.
Books: I'm about to start The Night Tiger. I'll let you know what I think. Music: I like this one from Vampire Weekend
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