May Log

Nov 02, 2008 01:43

May 30, 2008
Traded: LaLaLa02 --> Shuu's Wa03
StampCard Rewards: Haengbok11, Happiness20

The Rejects: UKnow01, UKnow02

May 29, 2008
Traded: --> RedSun15 --> Lynnie's Dejavu13 and Membercard
Poppenstein: HiddenStory07, Trick05, Secret12, Bi Random Coupon, Bi Choice Coupon

May 28, 2008
Traded: Coward02 --> Purpink's Docovo05 and Membercard
Traded: HiddenStory04 --> Lovegreen's UKnow19
Traded: Colors17, MillionMan10, 16, Mouse02, Raccoon12, UFO02, 10, Shy04 --> VicVickyRox's Charisma09, 12, 16, Eternal06, DancingOut04, MStyle01, 07, 12
Traded: Mouse16, Changjo07, 10 --> Christina's ShineNight18, Eternal04, Fairycake13

May 27, 2008
11 Traded: PinUpBoys07, PurpleLine11 --> Viigo's DancingOut08, 14
Traded: SuperShow24 --> Mainey's UKnow05
Traded: Everyday07 --> Lingie's ShineNight09

Traded: SuperShow14 --> Mimi's MStyle04

May 26, 2008
Traded: PurpleLine02 --> Cleyra's Wa05
Junsudoku: RedSun10, Ghetto05, Coward10
Lyrics Mania: Sapphire10, Diary12
Ipod Mania: Yongwonhi 18, Udon14, EastSea19, DBSG Lovebill
MV Mania: DontDonMV01, RunMV01, 11

Pop Quiz: SOct12, PurpleLine02, DBSG Love Bill

Fruit Yes or No: Genki09, FairyCake09, DBSG Lovebill
Magnae Woes: DancingOut10, Yongwonhi05, Pumpkin06
Junior Puzzle: Freestyle26
Legend Puzzle: Coward06

May 25, 2008
Traded: Freestyle07 --> Topaze's Freestyle25
Traded: Soul09, SOct06 --> Elizabethh's Sarang20, ShineNight12
Traded: Cyborg12 --> Lingie's MStyle20
Traded: Melody06, Trick03, Dandy01, Unlock12, 13, Kokoro13 Miniskirt05, Taeyang05 --> Bee's Mrising04, Charisma01, 03, 19, Hiyaya20, 11, 08, 02 and Member Card

New Deck Freebie: Lalala02
Weekly Freebie: Taste02

May 24, 2008
Traded: Romance02, ShineDay04, Pose14, BadBoy02, Leader03 --> Mikomi's Sarang06, MStyle08, 16, ShineNight04, Wa19
Traded: China08, Sunshine03, Sunshine11 --> Oulan's Umma08, SJ0806, SJ0813
Traded: ComeOn17, UKnow20 --> Soyna's SJ0808, Eternal01

May 23, 2008
10 Traded: Bliss10 --> Shinsou's SJ0814, Membercard
Traded: Haengbok17 --> Biwa's Umma19
Traded: Taste12 --> Melly's Umma18
Traded: SprisSummer15 --> Kat's SJ0801
Traded: Leader13 --> AmeHoshi's Umma05
Hostage: Stomp04, Prince11, UFO02, Relax10, Shinhwa Random Coupon, Shinhwa Love Bill
Deck Mastered Haengbok: Umma04, Umma12, Ufo10, Coward02, YongWonhi13, Mawang07, DontDon14, Raccoon12, Any Random Coupon
Deck Mastered Royalty: Leader20, Mouse02, ImComing01, Guitar07, Chocopie14, ShineNight07, Everyday07

May 22, 2008
Traded: MRising07, WayUAre04 --> Rachel's Eternal09, Charisma13
Bi-Weekly Q&A Reward: Hujin01
Witch Hunt: Stomp19, Bonjour10, Pose14, Mouse02, Bi Choice Coupon, Suju Love Bill
MVShake: BadBoy02, Cowboy20, Shinhwa Choice Coupon
Nappun Puzzle: Romance02, ShineDay04, RainsWorld12, Trick03, DBSG Choice Coupon

Passion Puzzle: Giordiano16, Happiness15, FullHouse13, Bliss10, Suju Love Bill
Triangle Slots: DoubleM08, ToughGuy09
Mission Impossible: Leader13, Winter0707

May 21, 2008
Traded: ShowMeYourLove04, SprisSummer04, 17 --> Uyuki's Charisma03, Sunshine03, 11
Traded: Pose06 --> Nylonkid's Charisma17
Traded: ForeverLove16 --> Lingie's DejaVu04
Traded: Warning10, Coward18 --> Purpink's RedSun16, ShineNight20
Traded: Hiyaya05 --> Meludi's UKnow20
Hostage: TeddyBear01, Ghetto13, Romance15, GetSome05, Bi Random Coupon, Suju Lovebill
Stampcard: EastSea09, FullHouse04
SS Madness: Dolphin18, Rokkugoh06

May 20, 2008
Traded: TracesofTime07, 12, DoubleM09, 17, ThisLove19, Phantom12 --> Ivy's Haengbok01, 18, DancingOut03, Eternal05, Sarang08, ShineNight02
9 Traded: HiddenStory12 --> Cleyra's Winter0704
Traded: Happiness20, Cinderella04, Uniform09 --> Mikomi's Charisma05, 10, MStyle02
Traded: SnowDream10, 18, ShowMeYourLove28 --> Lovegreen's Mrising09, Mrising11, Umma15

Traded: China09, Udon08,Together06 --> Topaze's Umma11, Winter0703, MStyle13
Deck Mastered Rhythm: Leader11, Leader17, IvySpring19, Dandy19, Twins12, Changjo07, Taste12

May 19, 2008
Traded: FriedRice19 --> Ninive's Wa15
Traded: Warning19 --> Purpink's UKnow18
Event Card: Junsudoku
Weekly Freebie: Winter0708
New Deck Freebie: DoubleM17
Junsudoku:: EastSea07, Udon08, SnowPrince05, ThisLove19
Ipod Mania: Charisma02, FriedRice19, ComeOn17, Shinhwa Love Bill
Lyrics Mania: Lust11, Style04
Fruit Yes or No: Kokoro13, EastSea16, Coward18, DBSG Love Bill
MV Mania: Stomp02, Warning14, PurpleLine16
Pop Quiz: Stomp12, Royalty19, DBSG Love Bill
Poppenstein: China08, DoubleM09, TracesofTime12, Suju Choice Coupon, DBSG Choice Coupon
Magnae Woes: LastAngel07, MillionMan15, ShineNight16

Kangin's Wrath: SprisSummer04, Kokoro12, Shinhwa Love Bill
Junior Puzzle: Happiness20
Legend Puzzle: China09
Rising Puzzle: WayUAre04

May 18, 2008
Poppenstein: Fairycake04, Rokkugoh18, Last Angel08, DBSG Choice Coupon, Bi Choice Coupon
Traded:Get Some 08 Snow Dream 08, Genki 13 OJBH 09 Snow Prince 15 In My Bed 05 Kokoro 06 --> Pheonix's Winter0702, Sarang03, 19, DancingOut01, 13, Haengbok12, MRising19

May 17, 2008
Traded: Charisma20 --> Amehoshi's Purple17

May 16, 2008
Traded: Candyland 12 --> Ivy's Red Sun 14

May 14, 2008
Traded: Secret 02, Cowboy 12, 09 and Everyday 11 -->Ivy's U Know 04, 09, 20 and Umma 14
Traded: Soulmate 03 Melody 03 --> Billbelle's M Rising 05, 07
Traded: Phantom 15 --> Cleyra's Sarang 11
8 Traded: Freestyle 12 --> Scorps Super Show 24
Traded: Bonjour 02 --> Meludi's Paris 19
Traded:IvySpring06, 13, SpaceMan11, Happiness03, Pose18 --> Mikomi's MRising03, 07, 14, Winter0706, Eternal10
Leveled up: sj0807, sj0815, haengbok17, machoman05, millionman20, moveon09, rhythm12 supershow14, tracesoftime 07, yongwonhi20, dbsgchoicecoupon
Traded:Traces of Time 17 --> Candyland 12

May 11, 2008
Traded: Leader10 --> ixo's Leader12
Traded: Bonjour02, Holiday11 --> Lovegreen's DancingOut07, Umma06

New Deck Freebie: UKnow13
New Deck Freebie: Secret02

SS501 Deck Freebie: Charisma20
Paris Deck Freebie: Paris14
Weekly Freebie: Balloons13
Junior Puzzle: Taeyang18
Legend Puzzle: Melody06
Rising Puzzle: FreeStyle12
Kangin's Wrath: Mouse16, Unlock02, Suju Love Bill
MV Mania: TracesofTime03, GetSome05, FairyCake18
Lyrics Mania: Chicago15, Uniform09
Magnae Woes: Chicago07, Cowboy09, Royalty07
JunsuDoku: Phantom02, Uniform18, SprisSummer07
IPod Mania: Giordiano14, Cinderella04, HiddenStory04, Bi Love Bill

May 10, 2008
Traded: World14, Trot13, Udon10, Eternity14, Cowboy08 --> Ivy's SJ0805, Royalty15, MStyle03, MStyle06, MStyle14
Traded: FreeStyle02 --> AmeHoshi's SuperShow15
Traded: Udon10, Charisma12 --> Scorp's DancingOut09, DancingOut17
Traded: Taiyou04 --> Topaze's MRising14
Traded: Charmer01, Guitar10 --> Rachel's Winter0709, Sarang02
Guess-O-Rama: Udon10, Leader02, Everday11, DBSG Choice Coupon

Deck Mastered Miniskirt: HiddenStory12, IindWinds07, SnowDream01, SpaceMan11, Taiyou04, Leader05, Leader13

May 9, 2008
Traded: SuperShow11 --> Cleyra's Freeestyle02
Nappun Puzzle: NewDream12, FriedRice14, Leader10, Miniskirt05, Bi Choice Coupon
Passion Puzzle: SOct06, Eternity14, Stomp13, Leader03, Shinhwa Love Bill

Triangle Slots: SuperShow11, MillionMan16, Raccoon12, Baby05, Suju Love Bill
Thug Stoppers: World14, Charisma06, TracesofTime17
Witch Hunt: ToughGuy11, Together12, Guitar10, IvySpring09, Any Random Coupon, Suju Love Bill

May 8, 2008
Traded: ShineNight04, DontDon11, Purple01, Purple10 --> Mikomi's Royalty02, 04, 07, 10
7 Traded: PinUpBoys20 --> Viigo's Cinderella04
Traded: Cinderella04 --> Tessy's Rhythm06!
Traded: IindWinds07, Bliss16 --> nylonkid's Haengbok16, Royalty20
Traded: DontDonMV07, DontDonMV17 --> Soyna's MRising08, Haengbok05
6 Stampcard: HiYaYa13, Unlock16
Bi-Weekly Q&A Reward: Docovo02

May 7, 2008
Traded: Sunshine18 --> Oulan's Royalty06
Traded: Cinderella11 --> Topaze's Royalty16
Traded: Paris20, HiddenStory14 --> Kat's Leader07, 09

May 6, 2008
Traded: Freestyle09 --> Uyuki's SJ0811
Traded: EastSea07 and PinUpBoys15 --> Viigo's Leader04 and SJ0809
Traded: Eternal07 --> Jacqui's Leader14
Traded: Shy12 and Cowboy01 --> Scorp's Haengbok11, Haengbok14
Traded: BadBoy04 --> Biwa's Mrising18

Kangin's Wrath: Chocopie04, GetSome08, DBSG Love Bill
Fruit, Yes or No: HiddenStory14, ShineNight04, MRising05, Bi Love Bill

May 5, 2008
6 Traded: RunMV05 --> Amehoshi's Trot13
Traded: Taiyou01, Taiyou14, NewDays04 --> Harumi's Haengbok13, Leader01, Leader03
Lyrics Mania: Umma17, Shy12
Pop Quiz: Docovo19, Cowboy01, Shinhwa Love Bill
Magnae Woes: PurpleLine11, Freestyle09, OnceinaLifetime09
5 Stampcard: Bliss16, Taeyang05
Junior Puzzle: Eternal02
Legend Puzzle: U05
Rising Puzzle: IindWinds07

May 4, 2008
Traded: DOHC18, Run05, EastSea18 --> Ivy's Leader06, Holiday20, DancingOut11
Traded: FriedRice02, FriedRice20 --> Uyuki's Rhythm03 and MRising16
Traded: MillionMan11 --> Holly's Rhythm04
Traded: Holiday20 --> Oulan's Miniskirt18
Heechul Da Vinci Rewards: Colors17, Balloons04
Freestyle Freebie: FreeStyle07
Weekly Freebie: HiddenStory06
Deck Mastered Trick: Rhythm01, Soulmate08, Warning10, OnceInALifetime13, Ijuksa16
New Deck Freebie: Udon10
New Deck Freebie: SJ0802
MV Mania: Cinderella11, Giordiano06, HiYaYa09

May 2, 2008
Traded: ShowMeYourLove29 --> Linah's Trick03

May 1, 2008
Traded: LastAngel01 --> AmeHoshi's Umma13
Traded: China13 --> Viigo's Leader10
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