♥Jai and ♥Anime
- Will never conceive twenty-eight thousand malevolent kids.
- Like to hold hands at every opportunity.
- Celebrate good times.
♥Jai and ♥Manga
- Are rumoured to have had three Elven kids.
- Elect to whisper to each other periodically.
- Are the cutest couple that there ever will be.
♥Sam and ♥Art
- Doing their best to have three super-children.
- Elect to kiss, it would seem.
- Incite each other to love and fine works.
♥Jai and ♥Sam
- Will adopt three rockin' children.
- Wish to hug each other when the time is right.
- Are like two peas in a pod, but not genetically.
*bursts out laughing* ZOMG! Sam-chan? Can we, once we're living together, adopt? Once we've got, you know, Income? *grins* 'Cause you know, Other than that, that's pretty much us, ne ne ne?