(no subject)

Sep 11, 2010 00:00

Did not get the job I applied for. (Found out today, interview was yesterday.) They told me I wasn't experienced enough with customer service; I guess that's just how it goes. Not really an entry-level position. Ryan had thought that my support experience would make up for it, but these days employers can afford to be choosy.

I'm still keeping busy, though. Tomorrow we're seeing Amélie in a North Beach park, then on Sunday the opera is doing Aida in the ballpark a collection of arias in Golden Gate Park, and I apparently can't read my calendar (didn't end up going). There's so much going on all the time that I have to pick and choose what to see. FOMO is something I definitely deal with all the time here, and while it is frustrating at times (I overbook myself occasionally) it overwhelmingly beats the alternative, sitting around doing nothing wondering when something interesting will come to town. This is why I won't let myself live outside a major city.

I also called the Department of Elections and signed up to be a poll inspector (the person who runs the precinct). I was a regular pollworker in the June primary and enjoyed it, civic pride etc., so we'll see how this goes. It's only a day of work, but it's something! It will be interesting to see how the primary differs from the election - there was rather low turnout for the primary (none of the Democratic races were particularly interesting, and the City trends strongly blue), even though there were important ballot issues. So I'm curious to see how many more people will show up for the general election, even if it is a midterm.

Three things make a post; let's call it at that.
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