(no subject)

Jul 20, 2005 23:27

So yesterday I went to Magical Midway with night2o1, ootyphoidmaryoo, and マイックくん (who is actually Thai, but I'm still using kana), even though it's on I-Drive, because they have ITG2.

I have mixed feelings about it. I like most of the songs from the first mix better, I think, although they're not bad. The inclusion of all the songs from the first mix was a big plus ^_^, and also reminds me of early DDR mixes (2nd included all of the songs from 1st mix except two [licensing issues], and 3rd included everything from 2nd in a special mode; 4th+ had all of those, just about, if I remember correctly). I definitely like the whole memory card USB thing (it works better than a PS card, ね?), and the new cabinet is pretty nice (Pump-style bars, though? :( I know it's Andamiro, but I like the straight DDR bars better.) ;P My biggg complaint is TIMING. ITG apparently has much different timing than DDR. I was Good Attacking (even though they're called something else in ITG, who cares) like crazy because I'm used to DDR timing, and ITG's is definitely later. All my steps were consistently early. Very early. Enough to sustain a combo, but it's not good. :( Another issue: I have shitty stamina, so these long songs start draining me. I could definitely tell the difference in the cuts of Typical Tropical and Bumble Bee between ITG and DDR: the ITG ones had an extra 20sec instrumental interlude on the end. I don't know, I just get too tired.

Overall summary: Good game, I guess... definitely worth ripping to StepMania ^_^

arcade, ddr, bemani, games, itg

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