May 25, 2005 05:34
Ok. It is 5:30 in the morning and I need to get started to get ready for work but I am going to update real quick. This week has been kind of tiring so far with work. We haven't really done a whole lot of really hard work, but we have been working which I am not really used to. My back is kind of sore from doing all the work. You may think that I am a wimp or whatever, but you try to do some of the stuff that I am doing for that long. Oh well.
I have managed to get a little sun already which is good. So far all it is is a little burn. Give it a week or two more and I will be pretty tan. I am looking forward to that. I still need to get in better shape though so the tan is actually useful. :).
Yesterday was kind of a sad moment. I was driving the dump truck over to drop of some brush that I had in the back. I was rounding a corner in the parking lot (going 10 mph or so) and saw a bird on the road. I didn't think much of it until I heard a loud pop. I then looked down as I was driving by it and saw that I had totally crushed the thing. The blood was splattered all over the pavement. It was a little gross. You would think that he would move out of the way whether it be by air or ground. I guess I can't do a whole lot about it now.
I really haven't talked to one of my friends that I have been talking to a lot recently. I don't know if the person is mad at me or what. Kind of weird if you ask me. I don't think I did anything really to upset them. I do wish that they would tell me though if I did so I don't sit here and wonder.