Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What is
bajita's favorite color? brown, like her
2) Is
iloveforks athletic? i guess, but i don't think she's a "team player"
3) Does
codeofcaskets smoke? when the mood strikes him
4) If
scabage took over the world, who would be happy? anyone funny
5) If
bajita and
proxblast_one were spliced together, what would it be like? you just blew my mind
6) What is
bajita allergic to? the freedoms of america
7) What is
scabage's favorite movie? my "art" film
8) Does
codeofcaskets drink? damn well better
9) What is
proxblast_one's shoe size? seriously, if you know your friends shoe sizes, you need to work on conversation material
10) Is
bajita a college student? si
11) What would
bajita give
mikeisrex for his/her birthday? a free punch
12) How many monkeys could
scabage fight at once and win against? none. she's not a fighter
13) What planet should
codeofcaskets be from? uranus. that was bad, im sorry
14) What rank would
mikeisrex have in a giant robot army? supreme commander, naturally
15) Would
scabage be a better ninja or pirate? probably, pirate. that would let her be alot lazier
16) Is
iloveforks single? could be
17) Does
iloveforks travel a lot? not that i know of
18) Have you flirted with
scabage? dont think so
19) One quality you find attractive in
scabage? she has a twin. I'll repeat that. She has a TWIN!!!!
20) Is
iloveforks dead sexy? no one can compare to my Christina
21) Would you make out with
scabage? and get my face caught on that thing in her lip? yes
22) Does
scabage have a big secret? she has a penis
23) Has
scabage been to your house/dorm? yessum
24) Is
bajita an emo? no, just a normal dork.
25) What is
codeofcaskets's favorite band/artist? it best be Slayer
26) Would you ever date
proxblast_one? sure
27) Do you have
scabage's screenname? what the hell is a screen name
iloveforks's hair color? blond
29) What would
mikeisrex do differently in your shoes? probably suicide. failing that he'd take advantage of my HUGE wang. He also wouldnt lie so much
30) If
proxblast_one were hanging off a cliff, what would
scabage do? Tell Nathan to get away from that cliff.
31) Is
codeofcaskets your best friend? he's a good friend, but I don't think we cuddle enough to be "best Friends"
proxblast_one's eye color? theyre gonna be black if he doesnt get away from that cliff
33) Have you ever dated
codeofcaskets? just casual sex
34) If
codeofcaskets and
bajita were spliced together, what would be its name? abortion
35) One thing you can't stand about
scabage? there's not enough room on here.
36) Which president would
scabage be likely to idolize? Bill Cigar Clinton
37) Is
iloveforks introverted or extroverted? her bones are on the inside.
38) What word best describes
proxblast_one? orange
39) Is
proxblast_one 1337? if i see someone say 1337 again im going to furiously masturbate until i forget about that stupid fucking saying
40) If
scabage commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? probably alot of star wars geeks
41) What flavor of jello would
scabage be? rotten vagina flavored
42) Does
proxblast_one do drugs? is crack a drug or a weight loss medicine
43) How would
iloveforks conquer the world? she would use her redneck family (her words, not mine)
44) Do you think
bajita is hot? no good can come from this
45) How would
iloveforks kill
codeofcaskets? she could snap him like a chicken bone
46) Where was
mikeisrex born? AK
47) If
iloveforks took over the world, who would suffer? beetches
48) What video game does
codeofcaskets remind you of? diablo.
49) When did you last call
iloveforks? it's been awhile. i dont even have her numnum any more
50) What color should
proxblast_one dye their hair? orange
51) How tall is
scabage? like 5'6''
52) What would you do if
bajita died? stake my claim on her man
53) Do
codeofcaskets and
scabage go to the same school? one don't believe in schoolin'
54) Is
codeofcaskets related to
bajita? and taint his aryan liniage. i think not
55) Where would
bajita most like to visit? ...peru?
56) Where did you first meet
iloveforks? muse's
57) What would you do if you found out
proxblast_one has a crush on you? jump his bones
58) How long have you known
scabage? few years
59) What song/movie would you recommend to
bajita? master of puppets by metallica
60) Did
mikeisrex break up with you? not yet
61) What is
mikeisrex's favorite food? i have no idea, but he's an awesome cook
62) Is
codeofcaskets in a relationship? could be
63) What is
scabage's biggest flaw? lack of desire
64) Which of your friends should
iloveforks go out with? i dont reccomend my friends to anyone
65) Thoughts on
iloveforks? shes a good person at heart
66) What comic book character would
codeofcaskets be? dante from clerks
67) What mental disorder does
scabage remind you of? definately turrets
68) Does
mikeisrex have a dog? no
69) If
iloveforks was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? david lee roth
70) What is
iloveforks's favorite game? hide the salami
71) Where was
bajita born? peruvia
72) Is
scabage friends with
mikeisrex? don't think they know each other
73) Is
codeofcaskets related to you? in a larger sense aren't we all related to each other. no
74) What animal should
bajita be combined with? a small gorilla
75) Does
bajita go to your school? no
76) Does
mikeisrex know
scabage? i've covered this
77) Is
codeofcaskets a nerd? not in the classic sense
78) Do you have a crush on
iloveforks? i dont feel feelings
79) What languages does
codeofcaskets speak? AMERICAN
80) What do you disagree with
bajita about? life
81) If
scabage and
proxblast_one were siamese twins, where would they be joined? at their irony bone
82) Is
mikeisrex popular? he's head cheerleader
83) What would
scabage think of
proxblast_one? I don't think they could get along
84) Is
codeofcaskets a high school student? no, just his girlfriend
85) Has
codeofcaskets dyed their hair? not recently
86) Would you wrestle
iloveforks in jello? i don't like jello
87) If
codeofcaskets had a superpower, what would it be? logic
88) What animal does
iloveforks remind you of? a kamodo dragon
89) What exotic animal would
iloveforks like as a pet? a gimp
90) What do you agree with
bajita about? how fucking cool I am