Oct 30, 2007 12:07
Today has been entirely shitty. Professionally shitty, that is.
I have a panel interview with some of the senior managers in the district today, that I am very much not looking forward to. I have no intention of making a career out of retail, or at the very least, not retail at Radio Shack.
One of my associates yelled at me when I told her I was looking for another job. That was an interesting experience, to say the least. I can understand why, though. Traci, our manager, has an interview sometime next week for an awesome job, and I'm out looking for a new job also. I guess she kind of feels that we're abandoning her, which makes sense, in an odd sort of way.
I had to go off on a customer over the phone this morning. What can I say. I try to be respectful and polite, but once someone starts swearing at me, calling me a liar, and insinuating that we're not trying to help resolve his issue. Dear god I wanted to verbally castrate the old bastard.
This is going to be a horrible day. I hate stress.
On the plus side, I'm taking a vacation this week. I'm actually leaving the country. Huzzah! Granted, Canada isn't a HUGE change of pace, but it's a change of pace none-the-less.
NaNo starts Thursday. I'm writing under the name Au.rix this year, so those of you participating, feel free to send me a buzz. Lord knows I could use all the encouragement I can get.
Then again, the same applies to life in general, I continue to feel like I'm spiralling out of control, and it's really not fun.
slow painful spiral of death,
panel interview,