Apr 09, 2008 18:32
I didn't know what to say or if I should have said Hi or blahblah.
Random train of thought. Anyways.
I think I'm going to start using this again maybe.
I have a lot of shit in my over-active mind of mine and not enough people willing to listen to me ramble.
It's like my mind's taking a vacation. I really am over-stressed.
I understand that most of it is just because of my shitty decision making skills.
Oh well.
I don't drink anymore, and I know that for sure.
I think back on all the times I got shitfaced,
And most of those times sucked.
So lately I've been trying to get myself completely sobered up.
I've been starting to feel really guilty for some reason when I'm not.
But honestly, I think it's because too many people are doing it.
The main thing is to just get healthier, though.
Good luck to me. Ha. Haha.
Other news. James, aka, my giant teddy bear.
I haven't told him yet that I call him my giant teddy bear, though..
He really does make me smile. And that means more than words to me.
He picked up a LOT of hours at work a week or so ago,
So I don't see him that much anymore. It's okay. He's saving up for a car.
School fucking sucks.
I could rant for like a page and a half, at leased, about how that school sucks,
BUT, it could just all be summed up with the word SUCK.
And. I mind rape people.