Sam glares
Julia ponders the ink of her hand... or something.
Totoro inspired insidious smiles! Like so...
I get to be Neko Basu! YAY!
glaring... glaring...
Sam and Jul are just way too cool for school... or something.
It looks like Julia had a little Japanese moment, but...
Sam did the same with three fingers!
Blurry picture on purpose!
If someone ran up to the open window and took a picture of us.... except we wouldn't look so casual.
If that same weirdo decided to be artsy and take a picture from the other window too.
We started taking pictures while saying "Zimbabwe"... which insures a bad picture. Lucky me that the above picture did not come out TOO weird.
One of Sam's "Zimbabwe" pictures.
Awwwwwwww! Cousins!
Ceiling camera????
What -is- that over yonder?
Picture that Sam and I took with our cousin twice removed (or something like that) Emma! Hurrah for Emma!
Then my Aunt Jan danced with an creepy looking inflated army guy.
Finally, on our way out... the man pictured above sang to us. It was fun.
Sorry I didn't get many pictures of the Cherryblossom festival itself. ^^; I had have fun though.
cousin's xanga has a post like this too.
Also I apologize for not putting this under a fold. I tried, but it took out all of my pictures and links!
Gotta go!