Jul 11, 2010 16:27
I already got a blog from Blogger but I decided make to Live journal one because I wanted to see the POTmannequins' posts.
ARGH!! I was so devastated when I found out that it was Friends view only so I eventually got desperate and made one so I can friend them. Well, the plus is that I get to comment now! YAY! :D
I also just started using Blogger (there's only two posts so far) and this is the first post for Live journal so why not make them co-exist together? Sister sites! :D
Its interesting to see the different features that Blogger and Live journal have, I'm loving the mood thingy. Hehe
I feel bad for just creating an account just for looking at other people's posts and taking an username so I guess I better use this Live journal account so it is worthwhile and worthy enough for other people to read.