Pre-nuptial agreements?

Aug 13, 2008 16:55

On the way to work this morning, I was listening to Cosmo Radio (I love our Sirius Radio in the Jeep) - and they were talking about prenups and celebrity prenups. It was interesting - more interesting than something on Cosmo Radio ought to be.

Apparently "cheating clauses" are common in celebrity prenups - things like "if you cheat, you give me 5 million dollars." If the marriage dissolves for other reasons, the clause doesn't apply. I think this sounds reasonable - at least in so far as I've thought about it today. One of the DJs was very vocal about the fact that if she asked a guy to sign a "no cheat clause" prenup and he refused, she wouldn't want to marry him. She also noted that she would be fine with any "no cheat clause" with any penalty - that she just wouldn't cheat on someone.

And they pointed out that prenups aren't just to protect what you go into a marriage with, it's to protect potential earnings too. Which is a good point.

But then there were examples of horrible things in celebrity prenups, like not being allowed to exceed a certain weight.

delathi and I don't have a prenup. It was never something I was worried about. And I honestly have that much faith in us and our marriage.

But do you have one?
Would you want one?

I'm interested.

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