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Jan 30, 2005 18:12

hmmmm i've been thinkin bout what to write for my Writer's Craft class...we're supposta do like some weird paragraph or two about ourselves...haha well..hmmm gonna be hard to do cuz i still dont know what trait of myself i should pick out to write about! hmmm i can take like a normal trait of myself like uhh...say talk about the fact that i'm a generally happy person, or talk about the fact that i tear myself apart when i'm depressed, although i've stopped doing that...or i could take something like a really weird lil quirk about me...hmmm say like the fact that i only wear shorts...EVER! heh...hmmm anyone notice anything unusual about me that i could potentially write about? ohhh i was also thinkin of talking about "the liar in me" even though i don't tend to lie...at least i try not to...but i'm sure i could come up with sumthin VERY creative about it...make up a whole buncha lies about myself that are hard to believe, but actually believable enough to believe (hahaha does that make any sense??), and then talk bout how people trust me and how i'm quite honest, and then say how i'm really a liar on the inside and say i've been lying to you the whole time here...that's what my idea is..but i dunno if it'll work...

hmmm apart from my homework, life's been alright! well starting from last night anyways! i think these past few days i've really been quite an idiot and i definitely haven't been the most pleasant person to be around, and i really appologize to anyone that i've been an idiot to...and especially to Natsumi...heh i'm really really really sorry too...heh i'm not tryin to copy you n i'm not doing this just cuz you do it on your lj...i really really am sorry about a lotta the things i've said that i didnt mean and i'm sorry for losing my patience and my temper...i know i've said this to you already, but i just wanted to put it up in my lj as a reminder to me so i won't ever do anything like that again...we've exchanged a lotta not-so-nice words with each other, and our attitudes around each other havne't been the best at all sometimes...and i really do wish i could take away the things i've said that have hurt you, and i really wish i didnt sulk those times i actually was sulking and not just playing around...and i wish i hadn't lost my temper and all...and the more i think about it, the more things i regret doing...not cuz you got mad at me for them or whatever and i got in trouble fer em...but cuz it didnt just affect me, it affected you...and that's the more important thing to me...i didnt mean to hurt you when i did or said those things, and my sulking definitely didnt make the situation any better....i really really really do appologize with all my heart...and i just feel like goin out there and bein the best boyfriend i can EVER be, and i'm gonna try to be that! sometimes i wonder why we've survived so much that's gone on, but i know that love's gotten us through all this, and if we didnt love each other we wouldnt have survived the turbulence...but i think we really were meant fer each other, n that's why we've made it this far! i love you sweetie <33

ohmygosh there are COWS in Elektra!!! haha yeah, went to watch the movie with Natsumi, who has now seen it twice, and i had an awesome time! the movie itself wasnt too bad...predictable, but a pretty good movie nonetheless, and just spending time with Natsumi was really awesome!=)

oh and i've decided against posting entire lyrics to songs..at least making a usual habit of it...not to say i wont EVER do it, but yeah....if you see short lil "quotes" with a band and song name after it in italics, that's probably my lyrical thought i suppose you can call it? oh and sometimes i change the lyrics around a tiny bit to match my mood a bit more!

we can start a fire, then we'll light up the night
-Underoath, I Have Ten Friends and A Crow Bar That Says You Ain't Gonna Do Jack
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