Meeting Vivian - Chapter 9 - The Twins

Aug 01, 2015 14:34

See Chapter 1 for disclaimers and notes.

Chapter 9 - The Twins

Nigel walked through the Closet letting everyone know that the Museum would be closed for a while. Once he passed through the glass doors between the Closet and the Museum, he entered a code into the cipher lock that would secure the opening. On the other side of the vast room, Serena hung a closed sign on the door as Emily entered her code locking the doors. The three friends met in the center of the space and waited.

Andrea Sachs Priestly and her wife, Miranda Priestly, carefully set their burdens on the glass-topped desk in Vivian Martine’s recreated office.

“Vivian,” Miranda called softly as she fussed with her bundle.

Andy looked up from her efforts and gave Vivian Martine a blinding smile when the ghost popped into view. “Hey, it’s good to see you.”

Vivian rounded the desk to stand next to her friends. She regretted that she was not able to give Andy a hug. “Hello, Darling, I’ve missed you. Miranda, it’s good to see you.” Her eyes lit up when she saw what the couple had brought. “Are these?” She reached out even though she couldn’t touch.

“Yes. Vivian, I would like to introduce our daughter, Vivian Marie Priestly.” Andy picked up the baby, freeing her from the carrier. She pulled the blanket back and turned towards the ghost.

“And I would like to introduce our son, Martin Alexander Priestly.” Miranda cradled the sleeping boy in her arms and moved so that Vivian could better see both of her namesakes.

Vivian covered her mouth with her hand. “You, you,” she stuttered. Swallowing, she attempted to compose herself. “I am honored,” she whispered.

Andy smiled as she stroked baby Vivian’s cheek. “Miranda and I thought it would be appropriate since you helped bring us together.”

Miranda stifled a laugh as she rocked her son in her arms. “Manipulated is more like it.”

Vivian could hardly tear her eyes away from the little bundles. “Oh please, you were meant for each other.” She sighed as she watched her friends cuddle their children. “Congratulations.”

Andy leaned in to kiss the air near the ghostly cheek. “Thank you,” she said softly.

The End (for now)

miranda/andy, dwp

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