Jun 22, 2005 02:05
hay yall today was reeli loooong! breanna nd mi woke up round 11:30 nd walked down to tha pool to c if kara nd holli (mi sis nd friend) wrr down thrr... but tha werent so we went down to tha lower pool to c if thay werr down thrr nd thay werent sooo we walked all tha way home nd mi mom was makin us lunch!!... so we packed for tha pool nd went bak down to tha pool... kara nd holli werr down thrr so 1st we tanned bout an hour... then we swam nd swam! mi lil sis had a friend nd we took her goggles nd put in this gutter thing nd wen thay went to get it out thrr was a lil frog!... so mi nd breanna picked it up nd we named it froggy... but i wanted to c if it wood stand on this lil fountain thing nd then it crawled up it!! we wrr sooo sad! all cuz of mi nd breanna lost our pet!!:-( soo then it started rainin nd we packed up to go bak up to tha house... nd then mi dad picked us up nd now we r hrr just sittin hrr reeli bored... i guess we will go to bed now!! im reeli reeli tired!! I LuV yOoH LaNcE!! CaSsIdY<33