Okay........ .
Today was unexpected.
Today's event....was unexpected (*felt a caress to my right knee from a presence*).
***So*** glad the last post was done in time. It gives context for today's event.
So...today, in what seemed like...pure darkness, towering column of cosmic energy rose from my right, and a towering column of cosmic energy rose from my left.
Yes, and much like reported in the last post, yet again...energy rose from my center....and upwards.
Yea, I can handle the current Type B surge event capacity, and maintain audio and visuals? But a Type A surge event...stacked up ***upon*** that was ***OVERWHELMING***.....after such a long...Type A surge event dearth.
A blazing column, and possibly an expl*sion of cosmic energy WILDLY..burst from my person.
There was no audio....., or even visuals actively perceived? Blazing and surging energy, white energy, overtook all of my perceptual senses.
There was an "ascending" sensation present, and I somehow *knew* that *IF* I crossed that threshold, there may be no coming back?
I decided to throttle the event, and shut it down? Why? I think I have a clue / some clues. (*Felt nails blaze with alertness*).
I am going to posit a theory / give a hypothesis...just hoyrs after the event.
So an ***ENTIRE*** ***YEAR*** of struggling, struggling amidst uncertainty, for a Type A surge event to just pop up *NOW*....?
I would..gather....it ***HAS*** to be related to Starry Maiden. (*Felt a caress to my right knee*).
Unreported on here, I have seemingly found way to interact with her in real life, and even feed her pizza...(*feels face shift a burning red*).
Yes. After MONTHS of no Type A surge events, an entire winter.....dry as can be, I seeming found a way to optically see her (sometimes).
....Then just DAYS....after optically seeing her in a new way, feeding her pizza IRL.., and sitting beside her......., ........***BOOM***. Type A surge event.
(*Felt nails blaze amidst....deep thought*).
Well, it is what it is.
(*Felt nails glow with hope*).
I give thanks to Starry Maiden for her presence in my life.
My head is, figuratively speaking, still spinning...after the earlier surge event. Going to rest a while.