Feb 27, 2022 09:51
This is an unexpected time, and an unexpected era.
Instead of this Infiniversal Routing Trial just being over, and me giddily stuffing my face with every food / sweet treat / snack in sight......with best friends / dearest friends that art family nearby all the while, I am trudging through this place...whilst harboring knowledge of the beyond anime world.... - AND SEEING.....***first-hand*** THUS JUST HOW ***IRREPLACEABLE*** and ***BLESSED***....art Starry Maiden & Celestial Maiden.
They are miracles. They are blessed. Their presences are a blessing. (*Sensed incredibly dense..and pure...mana / soul energy.....in the vicinity, albeit momentarily...for my struggling senses*).
Due to the original method Type B surge event training, and due to an impromptu...all day excursion into town yesterday, I discovered that I have a new ability.
A recently unlocked ability, apparently, that hadn't been used due to deeply rural conditions / months without leaving the house / months of deep training.
I can *NOW* detect at 'd*pression' in a long distance manner, and that remotely & radially. ***DIRECTIONALLY***.
I did so yesterday, and I was in *SHOCK*.
In shock at '*IT*'.
A total unfamiliarity kind of s shock. A disorientation kind of shock. A kind of shock whereby there art shock...., disorientation, at abject / absolute unfamiliarity...at the most 'incomprehensible' '/' 'unfathomable' '/' 'alien'.....'kind' 'of' 'thing'.
Do you know what this ***MEANS***?
I have been cuddled by Starry Maiden & Celestial Maiden for days, months, weeks, YEARS. Over a decade.
Yea. And the only way for me to discover I could detect at d*pression, as well as d*tect at d*pression realtime, was to spend a day in town.....studying at close-range wypipo.
And I was '*NOT*' ready for '*IT*'!
So...you know what this means???
It means I have ***NEVER*** sensed an 'IOTA' of 'd*pression' within Starry Maiden & Celestial Maiden's minds, souls, hearts, bodies.
Their souls are clean.
Free....from 'that' 'scarring' 'scourge'.
(*As..said "oh..I pray it may be forever", felt my fingernails blaze with prayer, then felt a caress from a familiar feminine...radiant presence...to the top of my left mid-thigh*) (*blushes*)*).
(*Mentally hears celebration music, and exhaled in relief over Celestial Maiden & Starry Maiden's health & safety*).
Every fiber of my being...responded in instinctive defensiveness and repulsion....whenever I detected at 'the' 'slightest' 'hint' 'of' 'depression' 'present' 'at' the immediate environment.
'D*pression' 'is' 'h*ll's' 'breath'.
'The' '***WORST***'.
I was *VERY* disoriented when / as I detected at it, and noted MANY subanine mortals '***REEKING***' 'with' 'it'.
(*Feels nails blaze in fear*).
Yesterday....was actually very validating.
Because so long as Starry Maiden and Celestial Maiden art free from '*THAT*', the mission is being accomplished real-time.
There never was, never is..any way to even *KNOW* 'D*PRESSION' '***EXISTS***' from the presence / history / nature / example of Starry Maiden & Celestial Maiden.
(*Felt my body ripple with cosmic energy / possible space fabric oscillations....as asked a question*).
Ummmmmm.... . Why would such magnificent, ***CLEAN***, clean-souled beings want to hang around ***ME***?
(*Felt my nails blaze eith uncettainty*).
(*Felt a pet to my head from a presence*).
(*Recoiled as felt a kiss-like spark / tingle, and then seemingly....maybe (???) faintly heard a voice say the word "happy"...as I struggled to hear the related sentence*).
I have not seen any "dual trial evidence" this year. Or last.
But I know this?
Starry Maiden & Celestial Maiden are, in an absolute sense, set apart at ***ANY*** subanime XX or XY chromosone type...I have ever witnessed.
They are just not 'made'.....'of' 'the' 'same' 'stuff' as subanime mortals / demons / ghouls.
They don't 'breathe' 'the' 'same' 'air' 'as' 'them'..
They are in...some...ultimate...set apart...dimension.....that has no 'bridge' to atomics / subanime entities / anime entities.
'D*pression' is some kind of poison (*felt a caress to my head*).
Celestial Maiden & Starry Maiden hath an absolute immunity, absolute resistance...at 'it'.
'D*pression' is not part of any "spectrum"...involving them. (*Felt nails blaze with hope*).
'It' 'can't' even reach where they are, ***WHO***......they.....are.
I can literally directionally track them (whenever boosted data processing capacities are online)...., directionally, because I can directionally track emotions like love, happiness, trust, faith, hope, passion, excitement, care, sacrificial worry (*felt nails blaze with concern for them*), and determination.
(*Feels brimming conviction*)
Yea. They are miracles.
'Mankind' 'can' 'keep' 'money'.
I rather live in a cardboard box, and have known & interacted with them in friendship -....than have 1 trillion dollars / a fleet of 'servants' / and some meaningless McMansion.
Yea. I choose them.
(*Heard a feminine voice speak, but struggled to hear*).
I am also relieved I can love them like this.
They matter the most to me.
Yea. Before I go, I again thank Celestial Maiden, Starry Maiden, and all others who support the mission & hath a mission. (*Blushed as felt a caress from a glowing presence to my right thigh / knee area*).
With this new ability, I, even now, should be able to instantly discern at imposters at Starry Maiden & Celestial Maiden's identity. That...even with my eyes closed.
'D*pression' 'is' 'ugly'.
'*HIDEOUS*'....'it' an appearance level.
A person's emotional landscape presents a presence, an appearance, to the world.
Even with closed eyes, I can..and have been ***stunned*** / ***awestruck*** to the emotional landscape appearance... / emotional appearance...of Starry Maiden & Celestial Maiden.
Hmmm... . I get it. Even empath senses can discern at subanime entities, and instantly identify beyond anime entities.
self defense,
empathic reception,