I was not thinking to report this earlier, but now I take notice that extensive writings & attention to detail (in life as a whole) were the ***ONLY** ways I could snap the ***rut*** of the last XVIII to XIX years.
Yea. I have to take notes, and ***THINK***. Think....instead of just responding to stimulu / events as they happen.
So before I continue, I need to say how I ***ALWAYS*** witness 'internet' 'bull*******s' DISAPPEAR...when Type B surge event periods manifest proof / contact events.
Yea. And just about the same time, wakeful state AND slerpy state Starry Maiden & Celestial Maiden sightings take place.
Well....today's sleepy state fluid world event was ***different*** because I slowly semi-woke to a version of this farmhouse that looked ***BLASTED***. If not by an earthquake, then I don't know what.
A sleeping & petite figure...was ***immediately*** next to me...on the couch.
As I stirred, the being showed awareness......, awareness of the fact that I have...and can...witnessed thousands of unrecognizable subanime & anime ghouls / entities...dubbing at my perception of her.
That awareness was right. Yea. ***Before*** bed...I was cuddled (whilst wakeful) by either Celestial Maiden or Starry Maiden.
But when the being stirred and rose, I witnessed a 1990's form...fake family 'cousin'...dubbing at my visual perception of her. The dub, the fake family member supposedly born 1982 / 1981, was clad in 1990's jeans....and maybe a thick 1990's style shirt? The dubbing one was the same fake cousin (albeit in an even 'younger' 'state') that usually dubs at Celestial Maiden, and the same one I witnessed a couple weeks ago...as I tried to feed Celestial Maiden.....(during that scene whereby I viewed at a 1990's car interior).
I did not panic. I was disoriented, and gazed over the house.
The Nint*ndo Swi*ch & it's dock were both turned over on their back, showing mysterious images on it's screen, AND showing mysterious images on the upright HDTV..... .
Confused, disoriented, I asked aloud if the Sw*tch was okay...and not broken. It was......quite close to the edge of the tv stand shelf....., and I wondered if it had fallen.
A youthful and kind voice...assured me it was fine / okay?
Looking right, and to the floor, I seemed to notice a figure attempting to clean / polish the floor? Doing housework?
Gazing to my upper right / level sight right...next though, I observed at a seated 1990's tween form fake family member....that has a bad behavioral record? A fake cousin? One that seems to dub at the presence of Starry Maiden?
For whatever reason, it seemed like my steel guitar, and a lot of my wakeful state farmhouse pissessions...materialized.....? Materialized on the couch, and on top of...myself...and whoever was actually seated to my right?
The scene, well...my perception of it, went dark soon after.
After a long gauntlet of fluid world events AFTER that, some whereby I likely witnessed unlisted anime XX chromosome type tweens dubbing at the same pair present to the farmhouse earlier,I woke back to the farmhouse.
The recorder had been left running.
(*Gets up to look upon the Switch*).... .
Looks like the Switch is in it's upright position.
Guess the sleepy state fluid world event had a reset.
Upon going to check the mail....on the farm today, an unknown long-haired XX chromosome type, a subanine Caucasian, backed a car down the rural farm road / driveway...in order to speak at me?
(*Shakes head*).
The one was not a subanime anime hybrid (*feels nails blaze with caution*), nor '17-19'.
Ok. Let's conclude reports...and go to the takeway / real life application of the latest available data.
Starry Maiden & Celestial Maiden are ***HERE***. I do not have to deal with, apparently, ***ANY*** 'online' bitter / warped / deranged subanime hags.....'that' 'hath' 'the' 'personality' 'of' 'a' 'wet' 'paper' 'bag' 'filled' 'with' 'dog' '****'.
The moment Type B surge event levels permanently rise, I will, ***HERE***, apparently INSTANTLY see & hear the approach.....of beings with the fullest hair / shiniest hair / fairest hearts / fairest minds / fullest behinds / tighest waists / fullest hips / fullest chests / sparkliest eyes / cleanest souls.....I have EVER seen.
I will [and I thank the true beings for this]....***NOT*** have to 'say' nor 'memorize' '****ing' 'pronouns'....or any of that a*tistic bull****.......in order to see them.
If the solar manifestations continue (*feels nails glow with insight*)....I may need to prepare for noting 'homelessness'.
Because if contact events and co-occurring solar events escalate, that ***IS*** the road...up from here...(*felt a caress to my hair from a presence, and heard multiple ceiling creaks simultaneously*).